Know the caffeine content of the products

Through a story, we have known the intention of a councilor from the city of New York (United States), wants to demand that companies manufacturing food products and beverages, cite on your labels the amount of caffeine that product contains.

This came motivated when he realized that his pregnant daughter consumed too many products that contained caffeine, two factors to highlight were, on the one hand the unconsciousness of his daughter for excessive consumption and on the other hand the absence of data on the label on the Amount of caffeine contained in the product. Caffeine taken in excessive doses is harmful, any excess is always counterproductive.

The data provided by scientists about caffeine are these, taking more than 400 milligrams a day of this substance can cause different health problems, headache, anxiety or possible heart problems among others. The more to a future mom, in many places, including Babies and more, we have talked about the need for pregnant women to moderate the consumption of caffeine-containing products. A good option would be that in Spain the caffeine content that it presents is also included in all products, we have verified in our coffee package that this information is not reflected, can you look at yours?

Consuming several soft drinks a day can also be harmful, a can can contain up to 50 milligrams of caffeine, and there are those who only drink soda, adding more than 400 milligrams that result in harmful after the day. Some future moms consume unconsciously during the summer some soda can and we say unconscious because a higher caffeine content is always associated with coffee and it is believed that these sodas or products have lower rates, something that is not true.

In a nutshell, it would be interesting and necessary for Spanish manufacturers to adopt the norm of properly informing about food content, in this case about caffeine, not only for future moms, but for the entire population.

Video: How to extract Caffeine from Coffee (July 2024).