Sperm, less and less and slower

It is not known what is happening, but the truth is that the "breeding bugs" of the fundamental men to create babies are in the doldrums.

A study by Dr. Fernando Marina of the laboratory of the CEFER Reproduction Institute that shows that sperm mobility in Spanish men has decreased 0.7%.

The news doesn't sound like grabbing your hair, but it should. Because that means that if it continues like this, in the year 2067 all the sperm would be immobile. Or put another way, that Spaniards would have a hard time having children.

In addition to the slowness of bugs or tadpoles, as a friend calls them affectionately, a smaller number of them have also been detected in the Spanish in the last three decades.

According to the report, the number of men who do not meet the requirement of 20 million sperm per milliliter ejaculate has doubled, which although it may seem a lot is the minimum set by the WHO (World Health Organization).

There are many ways to increase the mobility and quantity of sperm.

The key is basically a good diet, so men, watch what you eat so that the "bugs" can continue to function.

Video: 5 tips to ensure healthy sperm - Jesse Mills, MD. UCLA Health Newsroom (July 2024).