Stressed children

I have just read an article about the conclusions of a study conducted by the American Academy of Pediatrics about the excess of extracurricular activities in children.

According to psychologists, develop Too many activities besides school can cause stress in children, to feel overwhelmed and overextended.

Parents should be cautious with this issue, as they indicate that there are children who may even feel anxiety and depression when faced with an agenda full of courses and homework.

Music, piano, ballet, gymnastics, all can be very constructive and useful activities as long as your child is not burdened, but a pleasure.

Especially, what the specialists advise is that children should reserve a time a day for the game, which is also to learn.

I mean traditional games like puzzles, reading stories and those that stimulate creativity and imagination. I do not mean of course the game consoles, but to recover the traditional games such as hide and seek, the stain.

We do not want to have stressed people since childhood. That they will have enough to worry about in the future.

So it is better for children to worry about playing, which is their thing.

Video: How do you know if your child is stressed ? Good Health FAQ (July 2024).