Smart watches for children: security element for some, unnecessary technology for others

Talking with your child remotely or sending him text messages is possible without using mobile phones thanks to the Smart Watches, which also incorporate geolocation functions. We have already spoken on some occasion of this type of devices, which are increasingly used more frequently in children between three and 11 years.

There are those who see it as a essential gadget to increase the safety of minors, as well as an intermediate step before buying your first mobile. But in countries like Germany, this type of smart watches is considered to violate children's privacy. The debate is on the table!

Interesting functions

This type of electronic devices broke into the market a few years ago. Those aimed at children are especially resistant, they are handled easily, and no need to access the Internet or social networks for use, so potential hazards are avoided.

They are placed on the wrist and have the appearance of a toy clock, so they can begin to be used from an early age in order to take advantage of its geolocation function, and avoid major dislikes if the child is lost or misleads in a given moment

The watch is connected to an adult's mobile phone, and through an application it is configured so that the telephone numbers with which the child will be able to communicate appear, the contact for emergency situations, as well as other minor functions.

Through the touch screen of the watch, the little one will be able to call the numbers of his agenda, or answer a call by bringing the clock to your mouth. Likewise, you can read text messages, send already established type messages, or make emergency calls by pressing just one button for a long time.

But, as we mentioned at the beginning, the function most used and valued by parents It is the geolocation, because through the phone to which the clock is connected you can see at all times where the child is, or be notified if he leaves the previously defined geographical area (for example, a shopping center, the school, the neighborhood where you reside ...).

There are several brands of smart watches on the market and their prices vary significantly depending on the type of functions they present. In this way, we can find watches from approximately 30 euros, up to 150 euros of the new Xplora smartwatch, which is presented as the "first mobile for children".

Peace of mind for some, spying for others

Particularly, this type of watches attracts my attention, and although at the moment my children do not have any, I do not rule out buying them in the near future. And I am increasingly convinced to delay as much as possible the use of the mobile phone, and this idea seems to me an intermediate step that can solve many aspects.

But nevertheless, smart watches do not enjoy everyone's approval, and there are those who consider them an unnecessary element that also "spies" and violates the privacy of minors.

There is no doubt that we should educate our children to be independent, autonomous and responsible people, as well as establishing with them since childhood a fluid communication based on mutual trust and respect. Therefore, there are people who believe that establishing these bases would prevent the use of such systems, although in my opinion one thing does not have to be at odds with the other.

Using technology, applications or parental controls always in mutual agreement with our children, allows us to communicate with them while we detect any problem that may arise.

I firmly believe that technologies can be great allies, but they can also lead to problems if they are not used consciously and correctly, or if they are abused exceeding certain limits.

Therefore, I consider essential establish a balance between the trust we give our children and the help we can receive from this type of technology. What do you think? In favor, or against smart watches?

Photos | iStock


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