Does the Latin American press not treat childhood issues properly?

According to the report prepared by the National News Agency for Children's Rights (ANNI), “Rights, children and public agenda: a comparative analysis of Latin American journalistic coverage '”, the Latin American press does not provide information on legislation that protects children, and the wording he touches regarding children, are few, concise and lacking data and information.

The director of ANNI revealed that the report is based on the observation of 121 newspapers belonging to 10 countries (Brazil, Bolivia, Argentina and Paraguay, among others) and analyzed some 230,000 articles prepared by said newspapers that were related to childhood and adolescence.

This is a report denouncing that tries to make newspapers produce their articles more rigorously, treating children in a more objective way and without disqualifications and pejorative expressions. Precisely up to 45.71% of the press uses this way of making articles. We have been amazed at this news and more when 36% of the Latin American population are children and adolescents. The sources most used by these newspapers are several, but the ones that present the most relevance with respect to childhood are the least consulted. It has always been said that newspapers and journalists were the voice of the people, this is not the case.

Children in many of these countries suffer real penalties and newspapers should try to help through information and social reporting. It seems that the Latin American press is today light years away from the European press in terms of rigor, social denunciation and all the issues that are reported regarding the child and adolescent population.

We would like our readers residing in the countries mentioned in the report to corroborate or deny the complaint, is that true?

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