A baby with acne

Acne is something that is usually associated with youth, puberty, etc., but the truth is that Acne can also manifest in a baby. As a general rule, this usually resolves on its own, although it should be borne in mind that if acne appears between six months and two years of age, it will be necessary to go to the pediatrician to try to prevent the onset of puberty.

One of the visual thermometers to determine the good health of the baby is the skin. The skin informs us of the possible disorders that affect the baby indicating the possible existence of some internal imbalance. We must be observers and if in doubt always go to the pediatrician who, depending on the severity, will refer us to the dermatologist.

An example would be the tiny boils that appear red with a yellow dot in the center, these appear in some babies from birth to the first month. These are signs of acne, an alteration that is caused by sebum production, which when elevated, acne manifests itself. The appearance of acne is closely related to male hormones, sebum production is stimulated by the abundant production of these hormones in the body of the child, but can also receive them through the umbilical cord from the mother.

According to some studies, genetics greatly influences the manifestation of acne. There are children born with sebaceous follicles smaller than normal, making it difficult for sebum to get out, hence some are more likely than others to have acne.

Acne is usually a disorder that heals spontaneously so there is no need to worry. Ideally, use light soaps that keep the skin clean thus preventing the development of any possible infection. Anyway, we always recommend something indisputable, the best guarantee of safety is to consult your pediatrician to get out of doubt and avoid any possible problem in the baby.

Video: Neonatal Baby Acne (May 2024).