Do not suppress dairy products for children with lactose intolerance

Generally when a child has lactose intolerance, all dairy products are usually removed from the diet. The American Academy of Pediatrics now recommends that This procedure is not adequate, since these products provide calcium and vitamin D that guarantee an adequate development.

Despite the problems that derive from this disorder in children, such as abdominal pain, diarrhea or malnutrition among others, experts recommend the need not to completely dispense with this type of food and that it is possible to consume Moderate daily without any risk to the child's health.

According to experts, the problem arises when parents withdraw not only milk, but also the rest of dairy products, confusing the reality of the problem, is a disorder but not an allergic problem at all. As it is not a food allergy, lactose intolerance does not lead to worse symptoms or increase when a dairy is consumed, for this reason, to safeguard proper development, they ask the parents of children who suffer from this disorder that dispense with this food group, as it could lead to health consequences in the future.

They also indicate that, although other products that replace calcium intake are consumed, they do not reach the levels necessary for the child's organism.

Video: Regular Milk, Organic Milk & Raw Milk What is the Difference? (July 2024).