A fertility treatment is not effective if you have a 30% chance of conceiving

A study prepared by the Dutch Academic Medical Center and the University of Vrije, of the same country, reveals that fertility treatments are not effective for couples who have a 30% chance of conceiving a natural pregnancy.

The study evaluated which technique was most effective, whether intrauterine insemination or hyperstimulation of the ovaries, to achieve a natural conception. To do this, they randomly assigned 253 couples who had low fertility (between 30 and 40% chance), intrauterine insemination with hyperstimulation of the ovaries, a method where the woman receives a hormone that stimulates the ovaries and the possibility of staying at He waits for six months to try to conceive a child.

From the research group, 49 women who used fertility treatment conceived and 29 pregnancies continued. Of the group that waited without using such treatment, the data amounted to 40 conceptions and 34 pregnancies underway. The conclusion determines that there is no greater benefit from using intrauterine insemination with hyperstimulation of the ovaries and that there are more options waiting for six months in couples with a 30% chance of conceiving.

Video: Odds of Having Twins with IVF. Infertility (July 2024).