Too many caesarean sections practiced in Latin America

There is an open policy regarding the large number of caesarean sections that are practiced in Latin AmericaApparently there are so many due to fear of complaints in the case of possible fetal distress. The data is clear, 120 hospitals were selected from 8 random countries, among them were moderately equipped hospitals and hospitals with the latest technical advances, whether public or private.

A total of 100,000 births were included in this study and no less than 33% corresponded to poor cesarean deliveries. As he says in the news, childbirth is a natural event to which the doctor must remain expectant and intervene in case of any complications. Doctors must face and accept their profession, what we mean is that there are risks in everything and that you have to be professionals to assess and judge when an intervention should be performed. It is very good to try to work on insurance, but this has to be when there is a possible health risk, but not bureaucratic or judicial risks, much less when there is no problem in childbirth.

The study has been published in the British magazine The Lancet, denouncing high rates of neonatal mortality and serious complications in the mother caused by caesarean sections.

Video: Latin American Revolutions: Crash Course World History #31 (May 2024).