A diet rich in dairy favors conceiving twins

According to a publication of the Journal of Reproductive Medicine, a diet rich in dairy products can help increase the chances of conceiving twins. In the world there has been a substantial rise in pregnancies with twins, some countries reaching up to 50% increase.

The explanations that were given so far had to do with the delay of pregnancy in women and with the application of fertility treatments, but now a new study appears that reflects the importance of diet to conceive twins.

A study was conducted comparing diets rich in dairy products with those that are not in women who wanted to conceive a child, finding in those who followed a diet rich in dairy products, a higher rate of pregnancies with twins. Apparently there is a stimulation of the ovaries thanks to a protein that is present in dairy products and is also found in the livers of animals such as the cow. The protein in question is the IGF, in addition, it increases the chances of survival of an embryo in the early stages of its development.

According to the researcher, to reduce the chances of conceiving twins, you have to look for alternatives in the diet with meat or dairy products. Although who is excited to have twins, it is best to increase this type of food in your diet.

Video: How to Increase Your Chances of Getting Pregnant (July 2024).