Factors that favor the growth of children

All parents have ever thought about how tall our son will be. In addition to genetic inheritance, which is one of the factors that most determine the child's height, there are many others that contribute to the final height. Here we will show you some factors that favor the growth of children.

The exercise that a child performs is very extensive, it would even be said that his energy never ends. It is one among several factors that help in growth, since the muscles are toned, the tissues are oxygenated ... Run, jump, all this exercise helps remarkably both in the final height of the child, as in the prevention of obesity.

We also have to take into account the sleep factor, adequate rest favors a remarkable growth, according to the endocrines, the growth hormone is secreted throughout the day but 80% of this secretion is produced especially while the child sleeps. For this reason, adequate rest and interrupted hours of sleep favor growth. Nutrition we know that it is another of the fundamental factors, the test is in the Spanish, the average size has increased in the last thirty years and this is due to better nutrition. We always emphasize a proper diet that allows the organism to develop in every way be it health, growth, intellectual development, etc.

Although it may seem a lie, even affectivity influences growth, that we show our child the love and love we process is also decisive. It has been shown that children who have been loved grow more than those who suffer from emotional deficiencies.

All these factors together with the genetic inheritance make it possible for your child to have an optimal size, although the most important thing is for the child to grow up healthy and happy.

Video: Parents, Do Not Provoke Your Children Ephesians 6:4 (July 2024).