Break waters

Many pregnant women get nervous thinking about the moment of breaking waters, on the one hand, they may think that they may not realize it or else, form a large puddle in the place where they are (this does not usually happen). On the other hand, breaking waters, implies that the baby is about to be born, the delivery will probably develop at most in 24 hours (if at this time it has not occurred, the induction to the birth will begin), and finally arrives the most desired moment, the baby will be born.

No need to worry about the moment of break waters, the symptoms are very clear, you will start to lose fluid and it can be gradually or in large quantities, but it shows that it is not a loss of urine, the smell is very different, more sweet. When more liquid comes out, it is when lying down, because when standing, the baby's head blocks the exit of the cervix. When breaking waters, it is very important to observe the color of the expelled liquid, since this indicates the state in which the baby is. If the tone is somewhat bloody and straw, it may indicate that the mucous plug has been expelled and is normal. If your shade is pink or transparent, you don't have to worry either, in both cases you can take a light shower before heading to the clinic. But if the color is greenish or blackish, it is very likely that there is fetal distress, so you should go to the hospital immediately.

Once in the clinic, through a vaginal examination they will check if you are in labor, if so, in a few hours you will have your child in your arms.

Video: Doctor breaking my water (July 2024).