The primary reflexes of babies

Babies have a series of primary reflexes that as soon as they are born put into use. One of them, for example, is turning his head when someone touches his cheek, thanks to this reflex he can find the mother's chest, even if he does not see too well.

At first, the brain is in command, that is, there are the reflexes. As the nervous system develops, the reflexes go to the background. They are overlapped by other new and conscious movements and actions.

The crawling reflex A baby lying on your stomach with your legs bent, if you touch the sole of your foot, stretch your leg and push your body forward.

The pressure reflex If you put a finger in the palm of the baby's hand, he closes his hand, so hard that you can lift it without letting go. The newborn is able to withstand its own suspended weight for seconds in the air. Galant reflex Having the baby lying on his stomach, if you put your finger on the kidneys, parallel to the spine, the body arches slightly.

Moro reflex A newborn rests on the arms of an adult. If the adult leans about 30 degrees, the baby has the feeling of falling. The first thing he does is open his arms to the sides, for parents to see. Then put them back together and then clench your fists to grab.

Walking reflex If we keep the baby held under the arms, and place it on the crib, as soon as it touches the ground with the foot, the baby lifts the foot, flexes the knee and takes a step forward.

Climbing Reflection If you hold the baby under the arms, with your legs hanging and bring it towards the edge of a table until the instep of one of the feet touches it, it will flex the knee and rise to the table.

This is a small summary of the primary reflexes babies have and that help us determine its perfect evolution. We must strive to constantly monitor all aspects of growth in the life of a baby, in addition to being useful, it is a satisfaction.

Video: Neonatal reflexes. Behavior. MCAT. Khan Academy (July 2024).