Five major concerns of pregnant women in the first trimester: do you feel identified?

From the moment we see the positive in the pregnancy test, the doubts, fears and worries begin to surface almost irrationally, and it is likely that they will even accompany us throughout pregnancy. Quiet, It is normal and common among most pregnant women, and our baby happens to occupy most of our thoughts!

With today's article we want to start a series of post where we will analyze the most common concerns of pregnant women according to the stage of pregnancy in which they are. We start with the first quarter: the adventure begins!

Everything will be OK?

In most cases, from the moment we confirm the pregnancy through a pharmacy test until we see our baby on the first ultrasound, it can take days, or even weeks, depending on the case.

And I don't know about you, but I remember those waiting days with much anxiety and anxiety: Will I really be pregnant? Everything will be OK? Will there be a beat? Will they be one or two babies? ... There are many doubts and concerns that assail us until confirmation through the image test, which undoubtedly is for me one of the most beautiful moments that are lived throughout the pregnancy.

Afraid of losing the baby

Once the pregnancy has been confirmed by ultrasound, the fear of having a miscarriage is perhaps one of the biggest concerns that appear during the first trimester. But if, in addition, the woman has already been through this experience previously, the fear can become even stronger and recurrent.

In most occasions, natural abortion happens without a justified cause so it becomes difficult to prevent it from happening. However, there are certain risks associated with spontaneous abortion that we can prevent, such as:

  • Maternal causes such as uterine abnormalities, immunological, systemic or infectious diseases, could be treated before seeking pregnancy or / and monitor them especially during pregnancy.

  • Avoid the consumption of alcohol and tobacco, and lead a healthy diet and lifestyle.

  • Have a healthy weight before and during pregnancy.

  • Do not take any medication that is not prescribed by the doctorWell, not all are recommended during pregnancy, and some are not especially in the first trimester.

Fear of hurting the baby

This is another recurring concern during pregnancy and also begins from the first moment we see the two lines in the test. And then we are aware that our baby's life depends largely on us, so it is normal to ask ourselves continuously if we are doing something that may be harming you.

Can I continue doing this sport? I have stress, can it affect pregnancy? My head hurts, can I take this medicine? I'm cold, can it affect my baby? How many doubts arise at every moment!

Apart from the advice mentioned in the previous point to carry a healthy pregnancy, it is important to go to all medical controls, be confident with our gynecologist or midwife, and never stay with any doubt, as absurd as it may seem.

And this, can I eat it?

This is another of the questions that concern us and we ask ourselves several times throughout the pregnancy, especially when we eat outside the home or we are presented with the occasion to consume some rare food in our usual diet.

Although it is normal for our first visit to the gynecologist, the doctor or midwife give us the guidelines to maintain a healthy diet and avoid some foods that could be harmful at this stage, it is important to remember that:

  • To avoid the risk of toxoplasmosis, we should not take raw or undercooked meat (including sausages), or fruits or vegetables that are not peeled or washed.

  • We should not consume raw or undercooked fish or shellfish, due to the possible risk of anisakis allergy.

  • Cook eggs well to minimize the risk of food poisoning such as salmonellosis.

  • Minimize the consumption of sweets, sugary drinks, coffee or tea.

  • Minimize or avoid the consumption of large fish such as swordfish, shark, bluefin tuna and pike, due to its high mercury content.

  • Do not ingest fresh unpasteurized milk or cheeses and desserts made with this milk. We must also avoid those moldy cheeses such as roquefort or cabrales, and fermented cheeses such as feta or cambembert (even if they are pasteurized milk), because of the risk of contracting listeriosis.

  • And of course, no alcohol.

Will my body change a lot?

Throughout pregnancy the woman's body is changing and adapting to the new life that grows inside: the belly increases and changes shape, the skin stretches, the hips widen, the navel can change shape and the breasts also increase in size. Although logically each body is a world, in most cases the changes are usually common and notable to almost all pregnant women.

Many women accept this "transformation process" excitedly and happily, but there may be times when we don't look good in front of the mirror and we wonder how our body will look once we have given birth, or even perhaps we are overwhelmed with some of the changes we will experience throughout the pregnancy.

All these feelings and emotions are normal, so My advice is to live the changes fully, lean on those who love us the most, and remember at all times how wonderful the woman's body is, which is capable of creating a life within her.

And before we want to realize we will have arrived at week 12 and with it the second quarter, which will be plagued with new doubts that we will discuss later. And you, do you feel identified with these common fears in the first quarter? Would you add any more?