"10-year-old children with 600-turkey mobiles", the harsh reflection on today's children and teenagers that everyone is talking about

Erun Pazon waited in his health center to be treated by his family doctor, when he noticed a sign on one of the walls whose message got his attention and decided to publish it on their social networks.

In a few days, its publication has been viralized and is being shared by tens of thousands of users, who reflect on the content of the text and on the type of education children and adolescents are receiving today.

"I give my son everything I haven't had"

The original text of the poster posted in the Marín health center (Pontevedra) has not been the work of any ambulatory worker. In fact the workers they do not know the authorship of the writing, but they found it on the Internet and it seemed a powerful message to reflect on; hence they printed it and hung on their wall.

When Erun read it, he decided to photograph it and share it on his Facebook profile, without foreshadowing the interest it would raise. Not surprisingly, in just 15 days it has already been shared by more than 90,000 people, who have not hesitated to express their opinion.

As can be read in the photograph, the text reads as follows:

"Yes gentlemen, that's right. 10-year-olds with 600-turkey mobiles; 15-year-old pups with 500-euro hair extensions; 18-year-old imberbes with 24,000-euro pots, 300-turkey sunglasses, 200-euro pants , slippers of 150 euros; students who stick trips abroad for 1,500 turkeys to countries where their parents will never go in life; and while, parents or without work or with jobs with shit wages, with the same clothes year after year, without going on vacation and with cars from 20 years ago "

"I don't care about that." I give my son everything that I haven't had. "I'm worth the thing about" When you're a father, you'll eat eggs. "We give them the freedom to decide that we didn't have. that we did not have, vacations we did not have and many more things that we could only dream of. That is good education. The rest is spoiling them, and deforming the reality of their ideas, since they will live more well-off than children than adults "

"Give your children love, love, education, respect and wisdom. The rest will get it for themselves."

Loving a child is not giving him all kinds of material whims

Among the hundreds of comments and reactions that the writing has received, most of them are aimed at the importance of knowing how to say "no" to our children when the situation requires it, of setting fair and reasonable limits, and above all, of not fall into materialism and superficiality buying them everything they want.

And for many, today's children and adolescents do not value the importance of the effort to get things done, because they have been raised by parents who choose to give them everything regardless of future consequences.

But there are also those who believe that education in values ​​does not have to be at odds with the fact that offer our children as many material things as they wish, provided that it is in the hands of the parents to be able to do it and be done with pleasure.

Personally, I believe that a fundamental part of education is teaching our children to value what it costs to get things done. Why overprotect them and give them everything they ask to avoid problems or save them suffering, will make them grow up thinking that things are easily achieved and without the need for effort. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Further, The happiness of our children does not depend on the number of gifts or material things that we can offer them. Unfortunately, we live in a tremendously consumerist society that makes us believe that a lot of things are essential to be happy, when in reality they are not necessary. And if not, think, is it really necessary that children between ten and 12 years have a mobile? Is it essential that your First Communion or your birthday parties be celebrated in style? Do we know the consequences of hyper-gifted child syndrome for children?

Although it may not be necessary to get to such an extreme to learn to value things, on several occasions we have shared surprising stories of families who have decided to shed all their material assets by claiming to feel freer and happier with that way of life.

Nor do we need to generalize

On the other hand, I confess that I don't like the custom we have of generalizing, and in this specific case, to treat all adolescents equally.

A few months ago we shared an interesting interview with the psychologist Silvia Álava about adolescence and the behaviors and ways of being that, erroneously, we attributed in a general way to all boys and girls from a certain age.

"The first thing we should be clear about is that there are fantastic, responsible, affectionate, collaborative guys and that they even help others by cooperating with NGOs. Guys who, despite the ups and downs and changes of adolescence, live it in a healthy and respectful way. But these guys do not appear on the news or occupy covers "- the expert told us then.

Therefore, although I can agree with some of the reflections made in the text, I do not share at all that it is a generality of children and adolescents today. I prefer to keep the final essence of the writing:

The importance of loving and respecting our children so that they can always count on us, while educating them in the ability to freely decide and strive to get things done.

What do you think of this reflection?

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