When the nets turn over for a good cause: a father asks for help finding his eight-month-old baby's prosthesis

Luis is from Seville and is the father of an eight-month-old baby. Yesterday at noon he made a motorcycle trip between the Virgen del Rocío Hospital and the Faculty of Biology, but on the way he fell without realizing a plastic bag containing a your baby's arm prosthesis.

When he realized the terrible loss, Luis asked for help through his Twitter account and immediately social networks turned to this father, which has received thousands of retweets, support comments and even the help of users who have offered to design a new one in 3D until it appears. And sometimes social networks give us great lessons in humanity and solidarity!

Hi, I need help. I have lost my son's arm prosthesis in Seville, between the Virgen del Rocío Hospital and the Faculty of Biology (road made by motorcycle by Cardinal Illundain). Please spread, it is very important.

- LM Escudero (@lmescu) January 30, 2018

With this message, and with another one that he published later showing a plastic bag just like the prosthesis he has lost, this father asked everyone's collaboration To help your baby.

Immediately His message went viral and began to be retweeted by thousands of people. The Seville Emergency account also echoed what happened and prepared a search poster with the photo of the prosthesis and the data that had been provided by Luis.

Citizen Collaboration
Lost this prosthesis of a baby of 8 months, in a bag #Sevillahoy
From C / Cardenal Ilundain to Av. Reina Mercedes. #Seville
Any information, notify ☎️092 or a DM to this account
Thanks for collaborating
Spread this information. pic.twitter.com/uTw99yQtRf

- Emergencies Seville (@EmergenciasSev) January 30, 2018

The National Police has also retweeted what happened and appeals to citizen collaboration:

You help us !! A family is looking for this lost baby prosthesis today in #Sevilla. Together we sure found it! //t.co/udnVdCmrSn

- National Police (@policia) January 30, 2018

The solidarity of social networks

To the dissemination that people have been giving to Luis's call, comments have been added by people who have shown their support for this father, and others who even They have offered to help in case the baby's prosthesis finally does not appear:

If unfortunately it does not appear write me and I will make a new one in 3D. Good luck!

- Guille Martínez (@Willperman) January 30, 2018

Hi Luis, we can not help you find it, but if you need something provisional we could print a ... Greetings!

- exovite (@exovite) January 30, 2018

I am in Mostoles but if you send me a 3D file I put the machine to print this morning. Then let's trust the original to appear. I'm sure it will appear. A lot of strength with all this positive energy

- Saving the World (@Thelafuente) January 31, 2018

How much money would one be worth in 3D? Do we paypal and donate? Or another source, I don't care. Let's help the kid

- Opportunity VF (@OpportunityVF) January 30, 2018

Others they have been personally involved in the search, as if they had lost something of their own, thus offering Luis extra help:

Hello, I have asked about Cardinal Ilundain and nobody has seen her, they tell me that they are going to ask the neighbors and porters of the area, I have swept the street and nothing, when exactly was lost?

- Cristina Torres (@cristorpal) January 30, 2018

I just went down to ask around the Virgen del Rocío and nobody has delivered anything yet ... I hope you are very lucky and someone who has found it has delivered it to the Virgen del Rocío or gets in touch with you after finding out by any means

- Natalia (@ _natalia296) January 30, 2018

I will take a walk tonight doing the tour and looking between cars parked in case it has fallen there.

- Cristóbal G (@ cristobalgc10) January 30, 2018

Read this kind of Messages are really hopeful and emotional. Anonymous people who turn to help with their actions, to support with their words or to take a minute to read and retweet when distance makes it impossible to get more involved.

This kind of solidarity attitudes, which we have seen on other occasions although in very different scenarios, is what makes social networks great and powerful.

This is what makes us valid different. A spontaneous gesture that shakes and pinches in the name of solidarity #MuchasGracias you are good people

- Carmen (@ carmentopia36) January 30, 2018

I find it incredible and exciting to see how people turn to help a child and especially @Willperman and @exovite offering a new prosthesis, which greatness

- Javier Rodríguez (@tilimoli) January 30, 2018

Flipant people's response to the desperate search for this father. For things like these, the RRSS are worth it… Special mention to @Willperman and @exovite, bravo

- Pedro Fernández (@PFernandezGolf) January 30, 2018

! The good people who want to help at such a necessary time for a child are unparalleled!… It is to continue believing in solidarity!

- Verónica Montes (@ veromontes1974) January 30, 2018

Only two hours ago Luis has published that, unfortunately, the prosthesis still does not appear. But we are convinced that the good feelings and the help that so many people are offering will finally make the baby's prosthesis appear. We will keep you informed!

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