Good news: in Spain, 95% of premature babies born after week 28 survive

In recent decades, premature births have increased significantly, which occur before the 37th week of gestation. In the world, 15 million premature babies are born every year, which means that one in ten babies who come to the world do so early.

In Spain, this figure increases to one in 13 babies, but despite being one of the countries with the highest prematurity rate, Spain is in the world elite in this field, with up to 95% survival in those born after the 28th week of gestation.

We talk about babies born with a weight between 900 and 1,400 grams and they present various difficulties, especially respiratory due to the immaturity of their lungs. But the Neonatology Units of the Spanish hospitals are "very well equipped and" removing those who have a serious congenital disease, or a cerebral or cardiac malformation, the problems are solved with great efficiency, "explains the president of the Spanish Society of Neonatology (SENeo).

As for extreme premature babies, those born before the 28th week of gestation, survival in Spain is equally high and stands at approximately 65%.

Increasingly there are major medical advances that allow children born early to get ahead, but it is also true that there are a high level of pregnancy control, which allows to detect in time any problem and if necessary, refer the case to hospitals with large units of Neonatology. These are highly trained to care for babies with complex pathologies that require special care.

They ask for the subspecialty of Neonatology

10% of babies are born early, which implies that require specialized care of neonatologists. Although any pediatrician is properly trained to care for newborns, they believe that a subspecialty of Neonatology is necessary.

"The techniques that must be mastered and the knowledge and experience that must be had is only acquired by training in the large units of Neonatology. We do not want the pediatrician not to care for newborns, but that when there is a very complex pathology, a properly trained person is in charge to ensure that things are going to be done well, "says Vento, head of the Neonatology Service Section of the University and Polytechnic Hospital La Fe in Valencia.

Via | Antenna 3
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