Nutella modifies its recipe: now with more sugar, more milk and less cocoa

The Nutella It is one of the best known products of the company Ferrero, and I would almost say that it is one of the best known edible products, as well in general. As you all know, it is a chocolate, hazelnut and milk cream, which are actually the ingredients that it incorporates the least, since most of the mixture is composed of sugar and palm oil.

Well, in recent times it seems that a group of consumers had noticed that there had been slight changes in the formulation (it had a lighter color), and given the pressure and controversy, Ferrero ended up admitting that they had modified the recipe : now it has more sugar, more milk and less cocoa.

It’s just a small adjustment

Apparently, as we read in The Guardian, the German consumer group Hamburg Consumer Protection Center He realized that the most current version of Nutella was different, and revealed on his Facebook page his suspicions. The company ended up ensuring that it has only been a small adjustment in the recipe, and that The nutritional value of the new version is very similar to that of its predecessor.

As they explained, the new recipe has increased the content of skimmed milk powder from 7.5% to 8.7%, and that of sugar from 55.9% to 56.3%.

The fans, very angry

These secret modifications have generated a wave of controversies among Nutella fans, who love the original recipe feel that something terrible has been done. Some say that if it was fine, Why touch it?

Moreover, there are those who are using the hashtag #boycottNutella, as a sign of their monumental anger, and that is why Ferrero has assured that despite the changes, Nutella's quality remains the same.

Hallucinating, which is gerund

I do not say that people can not be angry about such an attack against the original Nutella recipe, but it was not a miraculous recipe whose secret could not be revealed, or anything that resembled food manna. Just by looking at the following image you will realize, if you did not know it already (who at this point in the movie can not imagine this?), Which is one of the edible substances (I'm ashamed to call it food) less healthy than there are:

Sugar, Palm Oil and some Nuts, Cocoa and Milk

Come on, they are telling us that 55.9% was sugar in the previous version, and that they have now increased to 56.3%, as if there was a lot of difference. If they assert themselves by saying "the quality has not changed" or "the nutritional value is very similar," that is: still as bad for your health as before.

How bad? Then do a quick calculation: a slice of bread with Nutella (calculating that you put 20 grams, which is what fits in a soup spoon) contains 12 grams of sugar, which is a third of the maximum daily intake of a child (about 37 grams). With two slices and a sugary yogurt, a boy of that age I shouldn't consume more sugar all day, because it would have reached its maximum (in fact, most likely it would have happened).

"But I have eaten Nutella all my life and nothing has happened to me"

As always, you have to put things in perspective: if from time to time you give something like this to your child, hardly anything very terrible will happen. If instead it is usual, and you also add juices, sugary dairy, cookies and cereals that come with boxes full of drawings and gifts, it is clear that nutritional imbalance is important.

And it is that the sugar industry has been working for many years so that we think it is not so bad.

What do I say years, it takes decades! 50 years ago, when it was discovered that fats and sugars were dangerous, he managed to make us believe, to the entire population, that only fats were very bad. Given this information, people withdrew the fat, as much as they could, and that led to higher consumption of sugars.

Now we know, instead, that we need certain fats in our lives because they have many health benefits, and that sugar does not bring us anything important. So starting from the basis that Nutella is a highly recommended edible substance, everyone at home who does what he considers best. And if you think you have to get angry because they make the recipe a little worse, then the same ... everyone who gets angry at what outrages him most in life.

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