He had a wish before going through the operating room for the fourth time: marrying his best friend dressed as a princess

True happiness for a mother is to see her children happy, and when they are sick, their smiles fill us even more if the heart fits. This is what happened to a mother from Connecticut (United States) to See your daughter's wish fulfilled before going through the operating room.

Her little girl is five years old and has a congenital heart disease that has led her to undergo three major surgeries in a short space of time. Soon it must be operated again but before that he wanted to marry his best friend. Said and done!

Sophia's wish

Sophia Chiappalone is five years old but, sadly, she cannot live a normal life like that of any child her age. He was born with several heart defects who have made him go through the operating room up to three times, living much of his short life between hospitals and intensive care units.

Recently, the doctors who attend her at Boston Children's Hospital transferred to Kristy, Sophia's mother, her worst fears: the little girl's heart was failing again and had to undergo a new surgery.

Kristy then set out to do what was in her hand to see her daughter smile, and asked if she wanted anything special before returning to the hospital. The girl's response was unexpected and surprising: He wanted to dress up as a princess and marry Hunter, his best friend.

When Kristy called Hunter's mother to express her daughter's wish, she did not think twice and wanted to help make the little girl's dream come true:

"When he told me, I started crying. If it is in my power to fulfill Sophia's wish, how can I not do it ?!" - Hunter's mother commented to ABC News.

True friends, despite their young age

Hunter and Sophia met at the nursery, and since then they became inseparable. When Hunter's mother told her son about her best friend's wish, the little one was clear. He wanted to see Sophia happy and the idea of ​​marrying her seemed very funny.

Both families organized a "fake wedding" on October 23 in a Connecticut park, in which there was no lack of detail: a wedding dress for Sophia, a beautiful bouquet of flowers, an autumnal landscape and an exceptional photographer named Marisa Balletti- Lavoie that was the responsible for capturing these wonderful and emotional moments among children.

"Sophia didn't complain even once. She was smiling and happy. They were having a lot of fun, laughing together, tickling and swinging" - Hunter's mother remembered.

"They both enjoyed it very much, but Hunter was really happy to see Sophia happy."

For her part, Sophia's mother confessed that for her it was a day of mixed emotions. I was very excited to see her daughter happy but I couldn't help thinking about your child's operation:

"I try hard to be strong, but the reality is that his heart failure is becoming more serious and I can't help thinking that this could be the only time I see my daughter dressed as a bride"

"I would like Sophia to always maintain her fighting spirit, and I hope she never loses her quality of life ... no matter what the end result is" - Kristy wishes.

Campaign to help Sophia

From the Facebook page "Sophia Elyssa Chiappalone the beautiful baby with a broken heart" a GofundMe campaign has been launched to raise funds and help Sophia with the costs of her operation and treatment.

"As a single mother, being in the hospital for an indeterminate time with a child with special needs becomes very expensive, although it is worth it to save my" Supergirl baby. "I have to pay to park and eat. Also, unfortunately my car 18 years old no longer cooperates and I need to be able to fix or replace it to take her to her numerous medical appointments

We need your help. I love each person who has supported us on our path, and each person who has prayed for us. Thank you. We are a team and together we have accompanied Sophia throughout this roller coaster ride that we call life "

At the moment, Kristy has raised almost $ 17,000 that will help her face the high cost of Sophie's operation (which will take place in January) and her hospitalization, in addition to the treatments she needs later.

From Babies and More we hope that Sophie will successfully overcome the operation, and that her beautiful smile serves as a beacon to her mother and her two sisters. Cheer up, little one!
  • Sassy Mouth Photo photos, reproduced with permission

  • Via ABC News

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