Quick guide to dress the baby (no frights)

It may seem impossible mission for first-time parents: a baby so tiny, that seems so fragile ... and you have to dress him! Care, patience and much care, those would be the keys to dressing the baby. It is not so difficult and to help you become experts, we offer you the quick guide to dress the baby without fright.

Because, although some babies "leave" and remain still while we dress them, most are not at all comfortable with that "operation" and begin to show their disagreement crying, moving ... So, what we have to achieve is that they feel what As comfortable and safe as possible.

  • Have your clothes, diaper and everything you need to dress it ready so that the baby does not get cold or the process of dressing it gets longer than necessary.

  • You saw the baby in a room with a warm room temperature, suitable for not being cold.

  • Dress it on a safe surface, such as the changing table or bed.

  • Do not leave it alone or unattended at any time.

In Babies and more Quick guide for diaper changing
  • The head has to be handled with care, that the baby does not notice sudden movements. Hold it to put the body or sweater and see that they are garments with a wide enough opening (normally, they have clip buttons).

  • Roll up the sleeves to insert the baby's arms, insert the hand and go up to the elbow and then unfold the sleeve. You can do the same with the leg warmers.

  • We already know that babies do not need to wear shoes until they start walking, but they do have to have warm feet, so, unless it is hot, put on socks.

  • Use approved clothing, which does not contain dangerous elements for the baby (cords, ties ...) and with an appropriate size, that does not tighten or loose.

  • Do not forget to talk or sing to him while you dress him, since listening to you can reassure him and it is an ideal time for him to continue learning. Make the necessary pampering to be at ease.

It is likely that, following the baby dressing tips, this is a fun time for him, beyond the discomfort that involves "driving" to put on clothes. And for us it will also be a special moment and we will soon do it without realizing it, as great experts!

In Babies and more Extensors for body, or how to extend the life of your baby's clothes

Video: Be a More Confident Public Speaker (July 2024).