Bad weather? 10 ideal places to go out with your baby

In winter many consecutive days of rain and bad weather accumulate. Spending a couple of days relaxing at home never hurts, but when the afternoons of rain begin to repeat babies and children get bored and the whole family begins to despair.

Actually, with the right equipment and choosing the destination well, it is perfectly possible to go out with the kids on the street on rainy days. We propose you 10 places to go with your baby when the rain doesn't let up.

Café theater for kids

Many hotel establishments offer the possibility of enjoying a sweet snack while a magician, an actor or a puppet theater entertains the kids. They are intimate and cozy places where the little ones can sit on the floor or on cushions and enjoy a Tailor made show.

The children's theater seeks interaction with children

Take the opportunity to start the process of socialization of your baby.

Surrounded by other children of similar ages you will feel stimulated and the various activities will arouse your curiosity.

Through group and individual games and activities, children's theater seeks interaction with children and is an ideal activity to help children develop verbal and bodily expression, and to stimulate their memory capacity and mental agility.

Strolling through the mall

Visit the shops, ride a carousel, have a snack in a sheltered cafeteria, take a picture with our baby, let them draw their portrait, order their first cartoon or take the opportunity to make a pending purchase. Shopping centers offer a wide range of possibilities of leisure for families with small children.

The shopping center is a very popular place

It is a very helpful place because we can enter and leave the shops while the baby is entertained with the coming and going of people or the infinite colors of the shelves full of different products.

In addition, the musical thread of the establishments, the sway of the stroller and the constant murmur of the conversations tend to make them sleepy. With a little luck, your baby will spend an afternoon entertaining sea with nap included and you will have time to renew your wardrobe a bit.

A spa, spa or children's pool

A rainy afternoon is perfect to practice some hydrotherapy with our baby. Hydrotherapy is a sensory experience which stimulates the brain and physical development of the baby while having fun. In many centers they combine this activity with baby massage, a good element for relaxation that also helps with annoying gas cramps.

There are spas with baby programs

Many urban spas or spas have programs with specific activities for babies which include swimming pools enabled for them, baby massages or children's activities with an in-water monitor.

And if you find it difficult to find such a center near your home, think that in every neighborhood there is a indoor and heated pool where we can spend a pleasant bath time with our little one.

Covered children's activity park

Ball pools with baby toys, specialized monitors in charge and a whole playground with mazes, inflatable castles, car circuits, swings, goals and baskets or masks workshop for those who are somewhat older. The children's activity parks They have coffee shops that allow parents to relax while young children have fun in charge of adults in their care.

A ball pool is the alternative to the park

They are a great option for when the weather does not allow us to take the children to the park. In these recreational spaces, kids entertain and have fun, exercise, discharge energy, relax and interact with other children through games and group activities.

Meanwhile, you can enjoy a pleasant time of relaxation while your children are watched and entertained by other adults, experts in children's leisure

Visiting the baby

A wonderful option for a rainy afternoon is to visit the children's library with children specialized in babies from zero to six years old. The bebetecas they are not exactly children's libraries, but a special attention service for young children that includes a space and a fund of books specially chosen to meet the needs of the little ones and their parents.

The baby is a special care service for young children

Between the activities that cover They include the loan of books, periodic talks, specialized advice on reading for babies and a constant attention by the professionals of the library towards the users.

In addition, they have a wide repertoire of illustrated stories and we can spend a pleasant family time teaching them and reading them to the children. A cultural activity as fun as educational.

An art gallery for children

The art galleries are open, bright spaces, with a unique architectural design and with fun walls that attract the attention of the little ones by the colorful of the paintings that decorate them. Contemporary art is especially attractive to children, who enjoy an abstract thought much greater and more sensitive than ours. Sculptures, canvases, photographs and collages are able to attract your attention and function as a constant claim for your senses.

The sculptures, canvases, photographs and collages attract a lot of attention from the little ones

Many museums have wings specifically designed to attract the attention of the younger audience and in their souvenir shops there are endless educational games that are difficult to find anywhere else.

There are even art galleries for babies that aim to bring artistic expression closer to the children's world through works, activities and workshops focused on very young children. If you are lucky enough to live near one of them, do not miss the chance to check the effect of their exposures in your little one.

Let's go to the toy store

Toy stores are magical places for children. In them you can try almost all the models of your favorite toys and discover many others. Meanwhile, your parents can take a mental note and make a list of interesting brands and possible gifts for future occasions.

Didactic toy stores have storytelling

The educational toys also have storytelling spaces where, at certain times of the day, children can enjoy seeing their favorite arguments in action or participating in the interpretation of one of their favorite stories.

Locate the ones closest to your home and check their websites to see what time the next function begins before leaving home. You will have an hour of guaranteed entertainment.

Snack on a covered terrace

It is the easiest option of all. In all neighborhoods it is possible to find at least one cafeteria or patisserie with glazed winter terrace and conditioned for your enjoyment during the cold months. You will not have to move too far from home and it will be great entertainment for kids.

Enjoy together watching the rain fall outside

Choose a quiet table from which you can enjoy watching the rain fall abroad. The kids love to see the rain fall from the sky and the drops hitting the puddles on the ground.

While you watch the outside comfortably sheltered, you can enjoy a sandwich, a natural juice, a hot chocolate, an infusion, some pancakes with caramel or a piece of apple pie.

To the super to make the purchase

Surely a priori does not seem the most interesting option of all, but it is The most practical. At some point you have to provision the home and the days of bad weather are perfect to cross out items from our shopping list. In addition, it is an activity that we can perform with the baby perfectly.

On rainy days we can make the purchase with the little one

Young children are very entertained to go to the supermarket. They enjoy walking through the colorful corridors, watching the shelves loaded with toys from the children's section and watching as adults choose the foods that are then prepared at home.

Too It is an opportunity to teach to older people how is the fish they eat, how vegetables and fruits are picked and weighed or what fresh foods look like before they are cooked.

Visiting grandparents' house

Bad weather is just an excuse, as good as any other, for Visit grandparents. We can go to eat or surprise them by bringing them a rich and healthy homemade snack, such as a yogurt cake or a fruit cake, for example.

Bad weather is an excuse to visit grandparents

At the grandparents' house we can entertain the kids with a children's movie, release a simple and fun board game or just relax and spend a pleasant family day.

Grandparents are always more than willing to have a good time in the company of their children playing with their grandchildren. The kids who are already crawling love to explore, and the grandparents' house is a less known place than the home itself ... But equally fascinating.

And how do I move on a rainy day?

The fastest and most practical is Do it by car. For this you will need a child restraint system appropriate to the age of your baby. Also a cart with carrycot or a stroller to be able to move freely whatever your destination. Trio modular systems are lightweight, versatile and resistant.

The Chicco Trio MyCity has been specifically designed for urban use and is especially easy to close and transform thanks to the Clik Clak device, with which we can hook and unhook the carrycot to the chair structure in a matter of seconds.

Its complete equipment will also help us so that the baby can go out to the street protected and sheltered since its birth and throughout the different stages of its development, since this convertible system is also transformed into a stroller.

With this list of places and tips, rain will no longer be an excuse to stop leaving home with your baby. The key is to choose sheltered, warm and fun places for children and equip you in the most appropriate way to protect the baby from water and cold. So the next time it rains you will no longer have to lock yourself at home.

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Images | iStock / Evgenyatamanenko / FamVeld / Andrea_Bagiardi / bowdenimages.

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