Up to 36 hours in jail in Mexico for those who discriminate for breastfeeding in public

To say that breastfeeding is the best food for the baby, is like saying that the sky is blue: we all know it and there is no doubt about it. The benefits of breast milk are many and every day more are discovered, both for the mother and the baby. However, despite this growing list of breastfeeding benefits, still there are many people who consider breastfeeding in public as an offensive or immoral act.

A few days ago, amendments to the Civic Culture Law and the Criminal Code were approved in the Legislative Assembly of the Federal District (ALDF) to sanction up to 36 hours To who condition, insult or intimidate to a woman for breastfeed on roads and public spaces.

Although new benefits of breast milk are discovered every day, the reality is that for many women having a successful breastfeeding seems almost impossible. There may be many personal factors that prevent it from being carried out, but if in addition to them we add the opinions of others, it could become something practically impossible to do.

This year the World Health Organization and UNICEF accused "inadequate" international laws to protect breastfeeding. And in most countries the use of formula or artificial milks has become normal, although breastfeeding it should be so it's natural.

Is this new law necessary and sufficient?

I find it unfortunate and a bit embarrassing that there is a need to create a law like this that sanctions those who discriminate against a woman breastfeeding in public, but I think that at the same time it is a first step to start fighting against this absurd image that Breastfeeding is something sexual or immoral.

The problem is not only limited to Mexico, we have seen many cases of mothers who are treated disrespectfully by stores or people, as in the case of the mother of Manchester who was ordered to stop breastfeeding her baby after the complaint of another client in IKEA or that of the mother who was kicked out of Primark in Valladolid for breastfeeding her son.

Fortunately, there are more and more moms who raise their voices and take actions to end these acts of discrimination, from posting statements on Facebook to making photo sessions to legalize in favor of breastfeeding, and this year the UN recognized it as a Human right for babies and mothers.

Hopefully this measure will soon be replicated in other countries, but also remember that normalize breastfeeding is in all of us and not only in a law.

Video: 3. Nuclear Experiments (July 2024).