"Diapers are not a luxury": more than 180,000 signatures to request the reduction of VAT from diapers from 21% to 4%

More than 180,000 people have signed a petition for ask for the VAT reduction of diapers from the current 21% to 4%. Under the motto "Diapers are not a luxury", the request was promoted by the Spanish Federation of Large Families and will be delivered to the leaders of the four main political forces, as well as to the Council of Economic and Financial Affairs of the European Union (ECOFIN).

They consider that it is not fair for diapers to share the VAT of luxury products such as alcoholic beverages, tobacco or cosmetics, when they are necessities used during the first two years of the baby's life.

A great expense for families

Diaper spending has a big impact on the family economy. It is estimated that the average expenditure is around 50 euros per month for a child, that is between 400 and 600 euros a year. A figure that can vary greatly depending on the brand of the product, the age of the child (the smaller the more diapers are used) or if there is more than one baby in the home.

We must also remember that it is about an article that not only babies use, but also older people, with health problems or developmental delay.

It is disposable diapers is an expense that would be significantly reduced with the use of cloth diapers, which although they are not exempt from VAT, if a family will have to buy between 5000-6000 disposable diapers per child, the equivalent would be about 20-30 cloth diapers for all the time the baby needs them. However, it is an option that is not considered by most parents.

Not only in Spain

It is a measure that not only affects Spain, but also other European countries. "Specifically, it affects 20 million children under three in Europe, according to Eurostat," they say from FEFN.

That is why the Associations of Large Families of 20 European countries, including Spain, led by the European Large Families Confederation (ELFAC) have joined together to claim within the EU the reduction of VAT on diapers.

Three types of VAT

VAT or Value Added Tax or also known as a Value Added Tax is an indirect tax that taxes the consumption of any product or service. That is, it does not apply directly to the income of the taxpayer, but to any consumer good through its manufacturing and distribution phases.

In Spain, the VAT law (Law 37/1992, of December 28, updated to January 1, 2009) distinguishes between three types:

  • General VAT of 21%, percentage that applies by default to all products and services: cinema, theater, concerts, cars, tobacco and alcohol, gasoline, condoms, gyms, jewelry, perfumes, etc.

  • VAT reduced, 10%, includes food in general, passenger transport, hospitality, sporting events, prescription glasses and contact lenses, libraries and museums, water (for consumption and irrigation), etc.

  • 4% super reduced VAT, which covers the most essential products and this bread, milk, eggs, fruits, vegetables, vegetables, cereals and cheeses receive this consideration. In addition, non-advertising books, newspapers and magazines also benefit from this VAT; medicines for human use; wheelchairs for the disabled and prostheses and Housing for Official Protection or VPO.

Diaper VAT history

For years it has been proposing campaigns to reduce the VAT of diapers, as well as intimate hygiene products because they are considered essential items.

Already in 2008 the European Union proposed a reduction of VAT on diapers but then came years of economic crisis and the request was nowhere. Then in 2012 the rise in VAT increase from 18% to 21% came into effect, which also affected diapers.

In neighboring countries such as Portugal, parents pay 6% VAT on diapers, in Malta or Poland they have reduced the IVa on their own, and in the United Kingdom they are exempt from this tax.

An initiative with a lot of support

Since in June 2015, the European Associations of Large Families launched a campaign to raise public awareness in all the countries that are part of ELFAC, this initiative has achieved a important social support in social networks, where the request was developed through the hashtag # rebajaIVApañalesYA (#lowerVATnappiesNOW in English).

Now, the European Associations of Large Families are establishing contact with social organizations in the field of childhood and family, including UNICEF, Save the Children, CEAPA, Children's Villages, etc. so they can join this request through //lowervat.strikingly.com/.

Individuals can also join this initiative, thanks to the collection of signatures that the Change.org platform has opened, where it is expected to obtain the support of thousands of citizens who also consider it necessary to reduce the current VAT on diapers.

We will see if with this massive signature collection, the government takes action on the matter and decides to apply the diaper VAT of super-reduced diapers of 4%. Do you think this discount should apply?

Photos | iStockphoto
Via | Spanish Federation of Large Families
In Babies and more | The diapers will be super-luxury items from September because of VAT

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