Is it possible to sleep with a newborn at home? Yes, we tell you how

The arrival of a baby home is not exactly synonymous with sleeping well. The adaptation to the new situation, as well as the constant visits to meet the new member of the family, make resting rest in the background. However, your well-being, especially during the first months of the baby's life, is very important and, therefore, in this article we want to give you some tips and tricks to get organized and make sleeping with a newborn at home possible.

Rest and feeding

The saying goes: who covers a lot, doesn't squeeze. When you become dads, the first thing you should be clear about is which ones are yours priorities because, at least at the beginning, it will be difficult to reach everything. In this case, the main thing is that the baby and his immediate environment, that is, you, you are rested and you are well. The mother, after pregnancy and childbirth, is the one who needs more rest, so you have to try to find moments for her and the baby to rest.

Being well fed will influence your mood and energy

In the same way, you must take care of your diet. Sometimes, the rush can lead you to skip some food or eat anything. Think that being well fed will influence your mood and energy. So, remember that you should make about 5 meals a day, trying to make your foods are healthy and varied. To snack between meals, opt for fruit, bread with cheese or some dairy.

If cooking becomes a burden during the first few days, you can choose to ask friends and family that, when they come to visit you, bring you some lunch boxes or get close to a prepared food place, where you will find rich and healthy options.

Routines for sleep

One of the best times to sleep with a baby at home is take advantage when he sleeps. During the first days, your little one can get to sleep between 15 and 18 hours, so it is convenient that those little moments you also lie down to rest.

For this, it is convenient that you try follow some routines, so that the baby will establish more or less fixed times to fall asleep. A quiet bath, a massage with soft background music and lying next to mom and dad will help you relax and make you sleep.

Take advantage of the moments when the baby sleeps to rest, even if you are not sleepy

If you can take advantage of the little naps Both at the same time, perfect. If not, it is best to set some shifts so that you can both rest. Those shifts too they will be very useful when the baby starts sleeping less hours or during the nights, at which time babies wake up very often for their shots.

If when the baby falls asleep you are not sleepy, lie next to him equally. Try to close your eyes and listen to some soft music, trying to fall asleep. If you fail to fall asleep, at least you will have rested and your body, and mind, will thank you.

Sleeping together

In the mother's womb, very special ties of the mother with the baby are created. For 9 months you will stay together, day and night, and that is why, after birth, both mom and baby will still need to be very close to each other, especially to sleep. The mother, to be calm knowing that everything is going well and her baby sleeps peacefully, and the little one, to feel protected with her mother nearby.

To meet this innate biological need, We recommend that you practice colecho, that is, sleep with your baby. Colecho is a good way to improve the rest of the whole family, in addition to facilitate breastfeeding. Night shots, especially during the first weeks of life, are key for the baby to regain the weight he had before birth. At night, breast milk has a more fat composition and the mother's prolactin levels increase, that is, the baby receives a food with more caloric intake and the mother's milk production is also higher.

A safe option to practice the colecho, as recommended by the Spanish Association of Pediatrics, is to do it in a colecho cradle annexed to the double bed.

Next2me is a Chicco's cradle designed to practice colecho and favor the dream of the whole family. It has wraparound walls so that the baby feels protected next to his parents and a folding side that will allow you to observe and wrap him from your bed. The mother can also breastfeed almost without moving. This will be very comfortable, since not having to get up during the night will make you unravel less and, therefore, fall asleep more easily.

The Next2me of Chicco can be used as a conventional cradle and, thanks to its wheels, you can move it to other rooms in the house. So, for example, while you are in the classroom you will also stay close to your baby.

Sleeping with a newborn at home is not easy but not impossible. The key is that you organize to be able to do it, either in shifts or together, trying to prioritize those moments that are so important for your well-being and that of the child. If you have any basic advice for other parents who need to rest with a baby, we invite you to tell us in the comments.

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Photos | iStock: Vivid Pixels / monkeybusinessimages / evgenyatamanenko

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