A father eats covering his head with a sheet to see how ridiculous it is to cover himself while breastfeeding

Brock Smith is a father and husband who tired of hearing the stupid argument that breastfeeding mothers have to cover up to feed their babies in a public place, he came up with an idea to make see how ridiculous it is. Imitated the action eating himself in a restaurant covering his head with a sheet.

When does an adult look differently? The first thing we would say is "man, do not cover yourself to eat, why do you do it?", But when it is a baby, as its food does not come from a plate, but from a tit, it seems reprehensible.

The video was accompanied by sarcastic hashtags like "breastfeeding is so sexy," "nipples are offensive," "eating under a tablecloth is cool." He and his partner decided to start a movement and promised that there will be new videos, so you have to stay tuned for their next occurrences.

Who wants to cover to cover

There are mothers who do not feel half-hearted undressing to breastfeed and feel more comfortable covering themselves a little (depending on what clothes you wear may be more or less discreet). There are also babies who are distracted by looking at everything around and intends to create a more intimate environment. Of course, each one is free to breastfeed as you wish. It would be more.

But what It is not acceptable to be obliged to cover yourself because others may bother you or feel offended for seeing a mother feeding her baby in a public place. If it doesn't bother you, you don't have to hide or hide your baby.

Breastfeeding is a natural and normal act that both mother and baby have the right to do wherever and however they want.

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