When you were expecting a girl and a boy arrives, you have this face of surprise

Today, with the diagnostic means of prenatal control that we have, we assume that when an ultrasound is informed, the sex of the baby is 100% reliable. But it can fail.

They tell you: "you expect a girl". And there you go. You buy clothes, you think a pretty name, you even speak to the belly and call her by name. You decorate your room, buy your first toys, all thinking about your little one. On labor day, you are looking forward to meeting her when the unexpected happens. You get the huge surprise that You were expecting a girl but a boy was born. You have a face like this (By the way, it reminds me of a WhatsApp emoticon).

This is what happened to Koto Nakamura and her husband, Sina Niakansafy, an Australian couple. During pregnancy, they were told they were waiting for a girl, whom they were going to call Hinata. They had received a shower of gifts in pink in the weeks before delivery.

Coincidentally, during the birth the midwife told a story as a joke that seemed premonitory. About a birth in which the parents expected a baby of one sex and had been born otherwise. Everyone laughed. You never think that something like this will happen to you. But it happens. And it happened to them too. A few minutes later they announced the birth of a boy and not the girl they expected.

Birth photographer Jessica Jackson was there to document the birth and was able to capture the mother's surprise expression upon hearing the news. An unforgettable memory, without a doubt.

The priceless look on a mamas face who was told she was having a baby girl but received a baby boy !! Talk about a big surprise !! Any one else get a surprise like this at birth? Shared with permission by the parents. #surprise #ultrasoundwaswrong #birth #birthphotography #birthphotographer #baby #newborn #hobart #tasmania #hospitalbirth #midwife #doula #labour #childbirth #birthwithoutfear #motherhood #fourthtrimester

A photo posted by @ittybittyphotographytas on May 24, 2016 at 3:45 p.m. PDT

She and her husband had to change the plans on the march, and decided to call their son Taiga, a Japanese name that means "great and full of grace."

"I was surprised for a few seconds, and then it didn't matter if it was a boy or a girl," Nakamura said.

It is possible that you know an equal case, in which on the day of the birth they learned that the sex of the baby they expected was not what was expected. That nothing happens, it is your baby and that is a boy or girl will not change the happiness you feel at that time. Only you will need a few minutes to assimilate the opposite of what you had done to the idea in recent months. And think of another name, of course.

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