The incredible collection of photos of the natural birth of a baby born from buttocks

Births in breech position and in podic, which are those in which the baby does not come with the head ahead, but with the legs or the buttocks, are very rare for two reasons: first, that only in 3-4% of pregnancies the babies stay in that position, and second, that in very few hospitals these deliveries are attended, which usually end in caesarean section.

In spite of that, there are times when you get to document yourself so that you can then be amazed, to whom we have barely seen them, with this different way of giving birth and being born. Something like that is what happened at Raychel's house, who gave birth to his fourth child with the luck of having Karyn Loftesness, a photographer who managed this incredible collection of photos of the natural birth of a baby born in buttocks.

Raychel's fourth birth

Being her fourth baby, she intended to give birth somewhere that was respectful, where she could see your child born at home. However, four days before the probable date of delivery he discovered that the baby came from buttocks, and in the center where I was going to give birth they did not attend this type of birth.

He had the option of changing companies, but he no longer wanted a lot of mess and since his previous deliveries were quite short, he was afraid to go to birth where they could attend his birth and end up giving birth in the car, on the way.

So he had his midwives, those who controlled your pregnancy, to attend to it. Midwives experienced in these types of births that could help make everything go as she wanted for the whole family.

They were about to go to the hospital

It happened that the dilation was longer than in any of the others, and the midwives were assessing the possibility of transferring Raychel to the hospital to have an ultrasound and check that everything was going well, when she told herself that no, that we had to try again.

He spoke to his son, to Silas, sending words of encouragement and explaining that it was time to get out of there. And as if he had heard it, the dilation began to progress, passing at a time of 5 to 10 cm.

Then they told him not to push, that everything was going to start now but not to rush. Gradually Silas appeared, first showing his scrotum and buttocks and going down with the force of gravity and Raychel's bids. The two of them alone, under the watchful eye of the midwives, controlling the birth but without touching the baby at any time.

And this is the most surprising thing: until it did not come out at all, nobody touched him. She does everything, and he does too. And Karyn, from Karyn Loftesness Photography, who has given us the images so we could publish them, was there getting at the end one of the most amazing birth photo collections I've ever seen. Judge for yourselves:

Photos | Karyn Loftesness Photography
In Babies and more | Beautiful video of a birth in podic, Ask the midwife: a girl who comes from buttocks, The incredible video of the doctor who turned the fetus from the outside so he could give birth at home

Video: Child Birth Process : Childbirth : Labor and delivery : Vaginal Birth : Natural Birth : 3D Animation (July 2024).