These are the tests with which you can know if your child could have an autism spectrum disorder

Yesterday we explained in a post everything that should be known about autism to inform a little of the disorder and know what it is that those who have it and their families suffer, and in order to make it known a little more: not in In vain, it is a disorder that is increasingly numerous.

In the end we leave you with an unresolved doubt, that of how can one get to intuit or suspect that our son has autism, and for this we have decided to share with you the tests with which to know.

Different tests for different ages and situations

There are many tests that can be performed and that vary according to age, whether we are evaluating a boy or a girl and depending on the affectation, because as we said yesterday, there are children whose autism spectrum disorder causes moderate symptoms and others whose involvement is milder.

In any case, these tools do not serve to make the diagnosis at home, but so that in case of suspicion or doubt we can take the worry off, or confirm a little what we think. And if so, go to the pediatrician or a specialist because, as we said, an early diagnosis is the best at the time of initiating the appropriate therapies that can help the child to relate better with others, to have more autonomy and to better control the information he receives.


Baby and Toddler Questionnaire (CSBS-DP)

It is a test for babies of between 6 and 24 months, published in 2002 and has been used in subsequent research to determine the social skills of babies who are diagnosed early and those who are later diagnosed, for example.

You can see it, download or print it on the First Words page (in Spanish), and as suggested on it, it must be done by a person who is in daily contact with the child. To punctuate and interpret the data obtained, this guide should be used, in which we are told that the results will be a "worrying" or "not worrying", and that if you give us the first we must make a more complete assessment .

If doing it on paper seems a bit cumbersome or you don't understand very well how to rate each question, you can do it online on the Autism Spectrum page. We answer the questions by clicking on the correct answer and in the end we give "Evaluate". We write down the results and verify them with the commented guide (although to me this test seems easier to do on paper).

Obviously the result will depend a lot on whether the baby is 6 months old or if he is 18 or 24, so the final table in the guide will tell us if we can consider the results worrying or not. And if it is, not only go to a specialist, but reevaluate every three months.

Autism Spectrum Quotient for children from 4 to 11 years old

For when children are older, the autism spectrum ratio. It is actually an adult test that is designed to be done by oneself (yes, there are adults who discover a good day that they have an autism spectrum disorder and thanks to this they manage to explain some of their obsessions or social difficulties) , but it is adapted for children, so that parents can do it.

You can do it online on the same page Autism Spectrum and in this case it seems easier to do so. The test range is 0 to 150, with 0 being the absolute absence of ASD and 150 the value that would indicate the opposite. The cut-off point is set in half, in the result of 76 points. From those 76 points It is considered that there are behaviors that make necessary the diagnostic evaluation of a health professional.

Autism Spectrum Screening Questionnaire (ASSQ)

This is for older children (7 to 16 years old) and can be done by both parents and teachers, being very useful for those children who have certain problems with their peers, who seem more intelligent, more mature and do not seem Fit with your classmates.

It is part of the book "An approach to Asperger syndrome: A theoretical and practical guide" of the DELETREA Team and Dr. Josep Artigas Pallarés and again you have it online on the Autism Spectrum page.

There are only 27 questions in which you have to answer "No", "Yes" or "Something", as a "sometimes". With a score of 0 it would be considered that there is no disorder. A score of 19 onwards by a teacher, or from 22 onwards by parents, would indicate the need to make further assessments by a health professional.

Other related tests

As you can see, the tests all come from the same page, where you can also find tests for the Asperger or without being so specific, to assess the empathy of a boy or girl, in what could be used to see if he has a slight spectrum disorder autistic.

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Video: Signs of Autism (July 2024).