Beware of the tourniquet syndrome by hair or threads: a girl suffered it and her parents are alerting on social networks

It is not something that happens very often, but sometimes it happens and for children it is very annoying, while dangerous. We talk about hair or thread tourniquet syndrome, which is solved quickly if you see it right away, but that can be a serious problem if you don't realize it, time passes and the picture gets worse.

We've talked about him on other occasions, but we mention him again because it happened to some parents with their daughter and, although luckily they realized and solved it, they decided alert on social networks for other parents to consider.

It happens in the fingers, especially, and in the children's penis

Where it normally happens is in the distal parts of the body, usually in areas where it is easy for a thread or a hair to get tangled. Often happens on the fingers, but sometimes also on the baby's penis.

A thread, or a hair, is strained and by the movements of the baby it is rolled and tight, so that it presses the affected limb, leaving it without blood supply and putting it in danger. Obviously, the baby cries, and the time it takes to solve the problem can be decisive to save the baby's finger (or his penis, of course).

What happened with little Molly

As we read in The Voice of the Wall, the little molly, seven weeks, began to complain and shout more and more. They noticed that the more he cried, the hotter he got and they thought it would be good to take some clothes off.

By undressing their feet they realized that he had a swollen finger and caught by a hair, and his mother, with a magnifying glass and tweezers, began to withdraw it little by little. It was minutes that took him to remove it, but 45 minutes later the consequences were still visible, since the cover photo is exactly what it looked like at the time.

What if they hadn't noticed?

The girl would have continued to cry and with the passing of the hours her finger would have been in serious danger, both because of the compromised blood flow and because the skin, little by little, begins to cover it and make it part of the finger (making detection and withdrawal more and more difficult).

I saw this once in the nursing office, where it happened to a girl of almost a year. Hours had passed and upon arrival at the hospital only one swollen and bruised toe was visible. By moving it a little they could see a hair that was almost part of the finger, and they spent two days curling it and extracting fragments of the hair, as the finger was deflated.

Be very careful if you see that they cry for no apparent reason

Molly's parents have explained what happened on Facebook where thousands of people have been able to see what this problem is.

If the child cries and you don't know why, go ruling out possible problems: fever, cold, heat, fear, pain, tourniquet in fingers and penis, etc.

Video: Elajjaz Stream Archive - 5 gift subs every death, finishing Blacklist on Ha . . WITH CHAT (July 2024).