They convict a midwife who drugged women for births to end in caesarean section

As the saying goes, "Everywhere they boil beans", which is a way of saying that selfish people with little ethics and morals can find everywhere and perform any job, but it crashes much more, or surprises, when doing something wrong, knowingly, can harm pregnant women and their babies, precisely when we don't talk about sick women.

That is, we all know that pregnancy and childbirth are natural processes of healthy people and that in most cases everything is going well without anyone doing anything. The intervention of health professionals is just "just in case", in case something fails and they must act, so it is even more bleeding to read the news that says that they have convicted a midwife who drugged women so that their deliveries would end in caesarean section and so that, in that way, your job was easier.

At least 15 women suffered their services

His name is Kirsteen Stewart (You can see it here on the right in the image) and it is from Newmachar, Aberdeen, in Scotland. Apparently, he administered the drug on his own initiative and without women's consent Syntocinon, better known as "synthetic oxytocin."

Oxytocin is the hormone that is responsible for causing contractions of the uterus during childbirth, and is widely used to induce births or when deemed necessary in order to promote a greater force of contraction, so it is normally associated with the epidural.

Stewart administered boluses (high doses given at once) to women, causing contractions so intense that many babies could not stand them, suffering significant bradycardia, to the point that the pulsations of many babies reached 50 beats per minute, when It is usual for them to be much taller.

These bradycardia tend to be a sign of fetal distress, because when the heart is slow the baby is not receiving enough oxygen and in this circumstance usually choose do an urgent caesarean section, it is considered that the life of the baby is at risk. At that time, if it is decided to have a caesarean section, births will be attended by gynecologists and, consequently, the midwife has to work less.

There is evidence that at least 15 women "suffered" from their misplaced services and although no baby died after their actions, there were 13 who had to be born after an emergency caesarean section and two of them had to be resuscitated at birth and admitted to intensive care.

Suspicious since 2010

Already in 2010 it was investigated by the police, although at that time they found no evidence that he had committed any criminal act. However, the cases for which he is accused occurred between November 2007 and March 2010 and it is now when they have studied in depth.

The midwife did not attend the court hearing, which has lasted for weeks, although she states that it was cases of bad luck in which she only did her job. Responsible for Nursing and Midwifery Council (the equivalent of the Spanish Nursing College, which also works for midwives), stated, as we read in DailyMail, that "The only logical explanation (...) is a desire to accelerate the time when women were in labor in order to serve the midwife's own interests".

If so, it is considered a serious breach of the professional code of ethics, by prioritizing their interests over those of women and unborn children and the possibility of Stewart away from the profession So I can’t act as a midwife anymore.

The funny thing is that since then five years have passed in which it could have happened on more occasions and, obviously, there are those who complain about how slow justice has gone on this occasion, because oxytocin is a medication that must be medically prescribed to a certain use in certain cases, whose abuse can be dangerous, especially if it is administered in high doses, by putting the life of the woman and the baby at risk.

Most likely, having been investigated in 2010, the midwife will choose not to "take advantage" of this medication and avoid more suspicion, although this is a conclusion I reached, because there is no data on what has been his work as of 2010.

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