The best posts about childbirth of 2015

2015 is coming to an end and it's time to rescue the best of the year in Babies and more. We review the best content of the year on the blog, offering the best posts on the different topics we usually deal with. Yesterday we started with the best posts about pregnancy and now we will focus on the most outstanding content we have published about childbirth, that special moment in life as it is the moment of the birth of a child.

We look back to collect the best posts about the birth of 2015 in Babies and more, a second opportunity to review the most prominent and popular topics.

A woman takes her twins out of her uterus during a natural caesarean section

She is Gerri Wolfe, she is 41 years old and the twins have been his tenth and eleventh children. It happened at John Hunter Hospital in Newcastle, New South Wales. This birth was going to be the fifth caesarean section that she would practice and she wanted a more assisted and respected caesarean section, so she decided to fight to give birth in that way. After "convincing" the gynecologist that this way of bringing babies into the world had no risks if done properly, he succeeded and brought her daughters herself to the world. First he took one and took it to his chest. Then he took the second one and joined them both on top.

César, an impressive series of photographs of babies born by caesarean section

French photographer Christian Berthelot has drawn a series of photographs of babies born by caesarean section, "César", which shows with realism this special moment. The photos are far from showing the newborns as they look in the movies but they offer the reality of the baby within a few seconds of life, covered with vernix, blood, with the beating cord. Realistic and beautiful photos.

Four men experience the pain of childbirth to show (or not) that they are able to bear it

Four men, known as "The Try Guys" tried to demonstrate what it would be like to be a mother, carrying a belly simulating a pregnancy and trying to feel the same as if they were in labor. Through patches of electrical stimulation in the abdomen they wanted to experience what could be closer to the pain of a birth. How long are men able to demonstrate and how long does it take to ask for the epidural? Do not miss it in this funny video in a humorous way.

The delivery of the second real baby is news because Kate Middleton was attended only by midwives and probably without epidural

This year there have been births in the realizes and it was news that Kate Middleton, the Duchess of Cambridge, chose to give birth with the only assistance of two midwives and most likely without epidural. A few hours later he went out the door with an enviable appearance to introduce the girl and let herself be photographed. And, in some countries, it is common for births to be attended only by midwives and for gynecologists to act exclusively in cases where it is strictly necessary.

"MAMMYPHERS": the intense and exciting video of a home birth

Axel and Bea chose the alternative option of having their baby at home, in the company of midwives, fleeing the sometimes disrespectful treatment and instrumentalization that prevails in childbirth in many hospitals. Y they recorded their birth at home to try to help couples who have doubts. Here, the protagonists are mom, baby and dad lending a hand and the result is a beautiful video very exciting.

Euskadi: that strange autonomous community where 85% of its strange women give birth vaginally

WHO points out that the rate of caesarean section in a country should not exceed 10-15% and, however, in many parts of the world and in many hospitals this recommendation is not met. But in Euskadi yes. Are women from the Basque country strange? Do they give birth as who is going for a walk? What is the secret? Are these women from the north really so strange? Do not miss this funny article that also makes us reflect.

They discover where the signal that starts labor is coming: from the baby's lungs

Some babies are born at week 38 and others "decide" to do it at 42. But what starts the moment of birth? Researchers at the Southwestern Medical Center of the University of Texas (USA) have discovered with their experiments where the signal that starts labor is coming: it is in the baby's lungs. Specific, delivery begins when the lungs have enough surfactant pulmonary, which is a substance with the mission of allowing breathing.

Three nurses revolutionize the world of caesarean sections with their invention

What invention could revolutionize the world of caesarean sections? Well, one that allowed the mother to see and take the baby safely. The inventors? Kimberly Jarrelle, Deborah Burbic and Jess Niccoli, three nurses who have worked for years to create the perfect sterile fenestrated size for cesarean section interventions: with a kind of "window" to pass the baby with his mother and close it later.

Amazing 3D animation video that shows how babies are born

Lately the videos that simulate any process are of higher quality and realism and we can see it in these incredible images. While a phrase explains the entire process, we see how the cervix dilates while the baby tries to leave when there is complete dilation. The coronation process still requires an effort in terms of dilation of the vagina and is surprising to see how the body rotates After the head comes out.

The birth of the head: shocking series of photos of childbirth when only the baby's head has left

We end up with "The birth of the head", a series of photos of both vaginal deliveries and cesarean deliveries performed at the right time when only the head appears through the birth canal. And, after leaving the head, the delivery stops a few moments in which the body rotates so that the shoulders can also leave, and with them the rest of the body. They are beautiful images of Marry Fermont, responsible for Fermont Fotografie.

Photos | Thinkstock, iStock

Video: Louis Tomlinson Posts on Birth of His New Baby Boy (July 2024).