Roasted pork tenderloin with rosemary aroma. Recipe for the whole family

He Pork tenderloin is meat so tender and tasty that young and old alike likes it. Normally we prepare it cut into medallions that we go through the iron and then cover with some sauce. Today we are going to prepare a roasted pork tenderloin recipe with rosemary aroma which is very simple and ready in fifteen minutes, and best of all, it does not stain anything and always comes out first.

It is a very easy recipe that we will make part in the kitchen and part in the oven getting a golden meat on the outside, very tender inside although perfectly cooked and with an aroma that surely brings back memories of traditional cuisine. Let's go to the kitchen to prepare it in a moment.

Ingredients for 4 people

  • 1 large or two small pork tenderloin, olive oil, salt and two rosemary branches

How to make roasted pork tenderloin with rosemary aroma

We take the pork tenderloin from the fridge and leave it to room temperature for 15 or 20 minutes, while we prepare the kitchen, we preheat the oven to 190º and we set the table. As we have time, we put in the blender glass the leaves of a rosemary branch and four tablespoons of olive oil. Crush and strain by throwing the leaves and staying with the flavored oil.

We varnish the sirloin with rosemary oil, (very little is enough). In a pan, we mark the sirloin over very hot fire, so that its exterior is browned and looks beautiful. Once marked, we move it to the oven. If you have pans suitable for baking or with removable handle, it is very comfortable because you will not stain a pot. If not, you pass the sirloin to a baking dish and let roast for 6 minutes, turning and cooking another 6 minutes.

We serve the sirloin by decorating it with the other sprig of rosemary, and mixing the cooking juices with another tablespoon of our flavored oil, to enhance the flavor. Some salt crystals in flakes and running to the table where the aroma of rosemary that has spread throughout the house will have summoned everyone immediately.

Processing time | 20 minutes
Difficulty | Very easy


This roasted pork tenderloin recipe with rosemary aroma You can serve it with baked potatoes, with fries or with a good garnish of green asparagus. Surely there will be no trace on the plate, you'll see.

Video: Pork Loin with Figs and Port Sauce. Everyday Food with Sarah Carey (July 2024).