"Vomited delivery, finished childbirth": why it is normal to vomit in childbirth

If a couple of days ago we talked about a curious event during childbirth, the so-called "ring of fire", to explain what it was and why it occurs, today we are going to talk about another event that usually occurs in births and that Midwives usually summarize with a short sentence: "Vomited delivery, finished childbirth".

It is true? Is it normal to vomit in childbirth? Because it happens? Well, let's explain why is it normal and why it is said that it is a good sign if the woman vomits during childbirth.

Not all vomit, but many

Just like the other day, with the burning sensation in the vagina in the fire ring, it cannot be said that it happens to all women. Not all come to vomit and that does not mean that their delivery is not going to end, but it is true that many do, and some are even surprised because they ensure that they never vomit, at all, and that however during delivery They throw everything.

Why is it normal

It is normal because it happens to many women and because it has not been seen to be problematic in any way, nor an alarm sign of anything. When Miriam, my wife, vomited on her first birth we were quite astonished: "And now, why do you vomit?". The vomit is usually associated with something negative: a gastroenteritis, something that you have eaten and you have felt bad, a drop in tension, etc., but the midwife approached and almost made a party. "This is great, don't you know it's good to throw up?" And no, we did not know, so although she was throwing the bile with the face of "well I would rather not do it", I stayed more calm knowing that it was nothing bad.

The reason may be that the woman It has been several hours without eating (some do eat something, but others have no appetite or do not see the time to eat) and the intensity of the contractions. Being stronger and more followed, even holding their breath to support them, blood pressure begins to "dance" and nausea may appear. When they are more intense, the variations are greater and vomiting can arrive. That's why it is said that "vomited delivery, finished delivery", because it is considered that if the woman is vomiting it is because she already has the most intense and continuous contractions, the final ones.

Why is it good to vomit?

It is likely to be annoying for some women, because in addition to being able to withstand contractions you get to vomit, which is not usually something pleasant, but it is good because with vomiting, when pressing, expands faster. They would be like extra "contractions", added, in which the woman, when making the effort to vomit, helps the fetus to better place the head on the cervix. This is why it is also said that when vomiting the delivery ends, because in theory it should be given birth before.

Video: True Confessions with Tina Fey and Amy Poehler (July 2024).