The couple who three days ago announced their third pregnancy with a test done by the father undergoes an abortion

Three days ago we published a very funny post in which we could watch a man doing video to do a pregnancy test with his wife's urine and have a result she did not know. He test was positive and with it he surprised her and her children, who received the news with much joy.

They intended to explain the pregnancy, the process of preparing the arrival of their third child and everything that happened at such a beautiful time and the next video was not to talk about it, but to explain that they have suffered a miscarriageThat that baby that made them so happy will not come.

More than 12 million people learned about her pregnancy with the previous video. Now there are more than 3 million who have received the new bad news. Suddenly, in the blink of an eye, all illusions have vanished and, in the case of this couple, it is necessary to think about the use of the internet and social networks to share your life in that way.

That is, in just 3 days they gave hopeful news about them and we have seen them cry and suffer from abortion. Is it worth exposing your life like that? There are comments in this new video that suggest that, for another time, wait until the pregnancy is more advanced, and so they will give the news when it is more likely that everything ends well.

Miscarriages are very common

A miscarriage or natural abortion is what happens before the 20th week of gestation. If it passes after 20 weeks, although for the couple it is an equal loss, there is talk of fetal death. Miscarriages are very common, more than we would wish considering that today you can know that you are pregnant one day after having a lack in the period. That is, we have the means to know right away that a woman is pregnant, but not so much to be able to "get through" those pregnancies.

And this is what happened to this couple, that she told him that he had a two-week delay but that he had not yet taken a test and he went ahead. Maybe she would have done it equally or maybe not. In that case, three days later he would have had bleeding and would have thought that his period had come or not, that it was an abortion.

Because it is estimated that between 50% and 75% of spontaneous abortions occur in the first 2 weeks of pregnancy, to which we must add those strange rules that are a little late, that seem a little different and that, could be perfectly pregnancies that failed to move forward.

But why does she cry so much, if only 3 days ago she knew she was pregnant?

For the same reason that we explained a few days ago when we talked about abortion when telling the story of Mark Zuckerberg, the creator of Facebook, whose partner has suffered three abortions, because although only three days have passed, she already felt her baby inside, she knew mother again and in their heads they had already imagined what a third would mean Baby in the family. Only three days and they are broken. It is important to think about how we talk to women who suffer an abortion and how they can actually live it.

Every couple that talks about their lives as much as they consider

With respect to Sam and Nia, the protagonists of this story, I can only say that I would not. I wouldn't make my life public that way because it seems like a very private matter for anyone to see and criticize. But I don't do it does not mean that it seems bad that they do.

They posted a video that made me laugh and made me have a good time. I found them a very funny and funny family and I liked seeing them in that situation. Now they publish a video that may seem to deserve more privacy, but prefer to make it public. And why not? If we talk about abortion as an event that is accustomed to silence, and that is why many women suffer alone, why not show the world what is suffered when you lose a baby? What's more, why not show it when it was only 3 days since you knew you were going to be a mom? And why not show it when you know that many pregnancies end in abortion in the first weeks? Do you not have the right to suffer for it? Because she has it, she and all the women who have lost a baby at the beginning of everything. Right to suffer and right to explain and cry. What happens to a lot of people? Yes, but that does not mean that a woman who has felt mother for a certain time cry because it feels empty. It is very painful, and the pain grows when you want to explain it, you want support and all you receive is phrases and behaviors that show you that you should not complain so much.

Video: Baby Born at 24-Weeks With Feet The Size Of Pennies Beats All Odds (June 2024).