A father tattooes an implant on his head as a show of support for his deaf daughter

There are gestures that are worth more than a thousand words, and more when they are made for your children. What we wouldn't do for them, right? One worthy of applauding is that of Alistair Campbell, a father from New Zealand who an implant was tattooed on his head as a show of support for his deaf daughter.

Due to a deep deafness, little Charlotte had to have a cochlear implant in her left ear when she was four years old, and now that she is six, the second in her right ear. Days after putting it on, her father surprised her with a spectacular tattoo.

The girl touched him, laughed and thought it was "cool", but according to the parents, he still doesn't understand the true meaning of the tattoo. Later, he will surely do it and understand how far can a father's love go to a daughter.

But Charlotte is not the only one in the family with hearing problems. Anita, her mother also wears a cochlear implant and her brother Lewis, 8, wears headphones, so they were not surprised when they learned that the girl would need the implants.

Tattooing the implant took 45 minutes after shaving head. And although he says he felt pain, nothing he could not bear for a daughter. Alistair is, without a doubt, one of my favorite candidates for Father of the Year.

Video: Father gets Cochlear Implant Tattoo to Support Daughter (July 2024).