Breathe easy, the web for families about respiratory diseases

When a space created by pediatric professionals emerges and aimed at families with children affected, we echo its creation because we think it is a tool that can inform and facilitate these parents, mothers and children, their day to day. In this case we talk about some conditions that many children suffer, respiratory diseases.

The Spanish Society of Pediatric Pulmonology (SENP) launches the website, an informative and formative page on respiratory pathologies that aims to improve the quality of life of children with respiratory problems. If you have any children with this pathology, you will discover how useful this site can be.

Remember that respiratory diseases are those pathologies that affect the respiratory system that is responsible for taking oxygen from the air and expelling carbon dioxide. The respiratory system is composed of a set of organs: the nose, the mouth, the pharynx, the larynx, the lungs (formed by the trachea, the bronchi, the bronchioles and the alveoli) and the diaphragm.

As we see, there are many organs involved and the condition can be found in one or more of them, so that cases of respiratory diseases range from chronic or transient cases, mild or severe ...: asthma, bronchitis, bronchiolitis, influenza, pneumonia ...

More or less serious diseases on which we will find a lot of information, taking into account, of course, that the opinion of a doctor who cares for the baby or child is not substituted, as is logical. By the way, not at the level of personal consultation, but online, we can find a section of online medical office 'The Doctor Responds' with the objective of solving doubts regarding respiratory pathologies.

The doubts will be resolved by the team of pediatric pulmonologists that make up the Spanish Society of Pediatric Pulmonology, in order to guide the environment of the child with respiratory problems. The tips, tricks and products that facilitate the quality of life of this group complete this website.

What are the irritants, environmental allergens and other factors that can trigger asthma episodes in children and how to combat them? What preventive measures of domestic hygiene can I take? Is physical activity recommended in asthmatic children? These are topics that we often talk about in the blog and that also have their place in this new and interesting website.

Definitely, Breathe easy, the web for families about respiratory diseases, aims to be a reference in information and training on the diagnosis and treatment of pathologies related to respiratory problems, very common in our children.

Official Site | Breathe easy
In Babies and more | "Take care and protect your breathing", to prevent childhood respiratory diseases, Tips to prevent respiratory diseases in children

Video: Respiratory System, Part 1: Crash Course A&P #31 (July 2024).