Ending girls, a form of child abuse?

Put on earrings to girls in the ears It is a tradition that has been carried out for a long time, so much that we have normalized it to the point of not asking ourselves why. At least this has been the case until now, in recent times, that we see more and more girls without the corresponding drilling.

Less and less, because many parents see it as an unnecessary action that generates pain and suffering in babies. In the United Kingdom, in fact, many consider it a form of child abuse and, as such, they have created a signature collection campaign to outlaw this practice.

This campaign, created on the 38 degrees platform, argues that it is an act that inflicts unnecessary pain and fear on girls and has no other purpose than to satisfy the vanity of the parents. Since other forms of child abuse are illegal, they consider that putting girls on earrings should be too and that a minimum age to be able to do it and that's why they are collecting signatures. To date they are already more than 39,000 The people who have signed.

Reasons to do it, reasons not to do it

The reasons why the majority of parents continue to make their daughters pending are all known: because it is beautiful, because that is how they are known to be girls, because they are more beautiful with earrings, because it has been done a lifetime, because all the girls wear them, why it can't hurt so much and it's just a moment, etc.

The reasons why many parents no longer do so are the opposite: because it is enough to ask to know if she is a child, because beauty cannot depend on whether or not to wear earrings, because not because it is a tradition, it must be considered positive, because yes it hurts and because it is unnecessary.

Does it hurt or doesn't it hurt?

Yes, of course putting earrings hurts. I have put two in my life, which I no longer carry, and it hurts. It's a moment, it's very fast, but it hurts a little. Well, babies, who don't know why they do that to them, suffer the pain and suffer from not knowing what is happening.

Some girls cry, others don't, but it doesn't mean they don't hurt because when they are babies the response to pain is immature. Let's say that because they have a still immature nervous system, the response to pain sometimes takes time to arrive. That is, they feel pain, but they take longer than older children to let us see.

This situation we now know was unknown, decades ago, when babies were not feeling pain. Due, they were operated without anesthesia. Imagine the face of all the surgeons who had operated on so many babies the day they found out that they not only felt pain, but it was extremely important to avoid it because of the great neurological activity of a constantly growing brain.

Yes, we are not talking about an operation because the issue of pending is a moment, but it is not comparable to the level of need. It is understood that a surgical intervention is done because the baby needs it, just like the heel test, where the baby is punctured to analyze blood samples in search of important diseases (which is also a time and yet the study of way to avoid pain), the earrings, by comparison, is not really necessary.

Child violence, gender violence?

Obviously, there are much worse things and much more terrible ways of exercising child violence, but that is why it is still an act that generates pain in babies. I give you my opinion, which may be very different from yours, but as I have always had it so clear it is not hard for me to lean towards the side of the scale. For me, putting girls on earrings is a way of exercising gender violence. I do not know if doing it to babies at birth was done by order and command of the man or it is a woman's business, but the fact of marking women in some way, and that it is also in pain, creates a psychological difference since the cradle: "You are not a man, you are not the same as men and you should always differentiate yourself in this way, with something in your ears, and from pain."

That is why having had a daughter would not have made him outstanding and that is why he would have left her the decision when she was older.

But don't pay much attention to me, it's just the opinion of a father who doesn't even have daughters. I almost prefer that you and you, the parents of girls with and without earrings. Do you think those who have initiated this campaign of illegalization are right? Should it remain optional as before?

Video: End It Now: Understanding and Preventing Child Abuse (July 2024).