How does labor develop? (video)

It is a time feared by many women but through which we all pass in a more or less similar way. How does labor develop? Is there any more suitable position? Can I move in the dilation phase? What is episiotomy? These are some of the issues raised in this video, which is divided into the following sections:

  • Choice of place and posture for childbirth, with different options (lying on your feet, squatting, bed, delivery chair ...). The choice depends on each woman and her needs and desires, although she may also be conditioned by the development of childbirth.

  • Mobility during childbirth, which is beneficial and is recommended if the woman so desires and there is no contraindication.

  • Use of support material for childbirth. Depending on the availability of each center, the woman may use items such as balls, mirrors, cushions ... The woman's wishes can be expressed in the birth plan.

  • Active participation of the companion, who may participate in the process following the indications of the specialists if the conditions of the birth permit.

  • The bids, when the dilation is complete and the mother feels the need to do them (this is different if epidural anesthesia has been administered, when the bids can be directed).

  • The episiotomy is a cut that is made to help the baby out in certain situations, but it is not advised to perform it routinely since it can involve complications. If necessary, they will request consent.

  • Umbilical Cord Cut, when it has stopped beating.

  • Donation of cord blood, following the protocol for it.

The video on the development of childbirth is from the Andalusian Ministry of Health and, although summed up in excess, it is a good first step to continue expanding information on each section and reminds us of some issues that hopefully come true in each birth: the importance of women's choice, of birth plan ...

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