Individual pizzas of sobrasada, honey, nuts and pine nuts. Recipe

I liked the individual pizzetas that I made with salmon and salmon wafers a few weeks ago that when I have wafers I take advantage and make a similar recipe for the whole family. On this occasion I baked some individual pizzas of sobrasada, honey, nuts and pine nuts They have been seen and not seen.

Remember that children should not take nuts until you are sure that they are not allergic to them and in case of doubt, you can eliminate and make the same recipe without that special crunchy touch. The recipe is very simple and impressively good.

Ingredients for 3 people

  • 6 pastry wafers, 1 ball of fresh mozzarella, 100 g of sobrasada, 2 tablespoons of honey, oregano, 12 nuts and a tablespoon of pine nuts

How to make individual pizzas of sobrasada, honey, nuts and pine nuts

Mix the fresh sobrasada with honey and beat until you get a more or less manageable cream. In a baking tray, we spread the wafers of empanadilla, placing them on a sulfurized paper or a sheet of silicone so that they do not stick.

While the oven is preheated to 200º, we distribute the mozzarella cheese ball in the wafers, cutting it with pinches and placing them in an anarchic and informal way. Children can have fun making this recipe with us.

Carefully fill the holes with the sobrasada mixed with the honey, also distributing it between the six wafers. Once the preparation is finished, we bake the wafers for 6 minutes, watching so they don't burn.

When the individual pizzas are made, turn off the oven and place the nuts and pine nuts, sprinkling with some fresh oregano and serving immediately to enjoy them while they are hot.

Processing time | 15 minutes
Difficulty | Easy


The individual pizzas of sobrasada, honey, nuts and pine nuts They are great both for an aperitif and for dinner. As they prepare in a moment, it costs nothing to give yourself a joy with such a delicious dish.

Video: 31 One-Pot Recipes (July 2024).