Twenty lovely ways to announce pregnancy

When the test confirms that you are pregnant, the nerves arrive in many ways. Doubts and concerns appear, how will we do it ?, what will it be, boy or girl ?, we will have to prepare your room !, oh, how will our lives change! with those bright eyes of emotion and among them all the And how do we tell people?

Ways to do it there are hundreds, depending on the original you want to do it. There are those who make videos, there are those who take photos, there are those who do it live and live at a meal or celebration, etc. In case you do not know very well how to do it or if you can use a few ideas, we show you today 20 lovely ways to announce pregnancy.

1. Bollito in an oven

Actress Stacy Keibler posted on her Instagram this photo in which a roll is baked in an oven. Originality to power, right?

2. The next criminal

The Berris decided to add a third person in their particular life as criminals, and to their personal records they added a third in which, in addition, they already say what is the sex of the baby.

3. Eviction notice

When there is an older brother you can match them. He eviction notice It is widely used by parents, so that when the baby is born the sister will be "evicted" from her crib. If the girl turns out to be crying, she gives more truth to the news (although poor thing, I hope they didn't leave her there much just for the sake of grace).

4. Coming soon, new owner for these shoes

About the baby shoes It is a widely used resource, but that always turns out, because baby shoes are a most funny garment. In this case, the parents wear the same shoes that the baby will wear, the announcement being even more special.

5. The following problem

Yes, we already know that they are not really problems, but that they make you a few cramped in their short lives we all know. So what can happen when you already have "two problems"? Well, in this case, announce a third problem and do it with that face of happiness and surprise.

6. Adding, which is gerund

The sums are also very common when announcing pregnancy. You put the addends in a picture and then add the calculation. Easy for those who receive it and beautiful to save and remember.

7. When the baby will come to accompany the pet

It is very common that the couple already have a pet and that the baby comes to the family to surprise the animal, too. It is funny to use them as carriers of the news, and sometimes the dog or cat is used to be photographed next to some shoes or, as in the assembly you see, as authentic future breeding experts.

8. What you are going to leave behind

Sometimes the best way to say things is so that others have to think a little. A photo showing what you will no longer need and the recipients will have to guess why. In this case, bye bye bikini and bye bye Playstation 3.

9. The colored balloons

In this case I suppose that there was already an announcement of previous pregnancy and that they are giving new news to say the sex of the baby, but just in case you want to do a two in one, you can announce Pregnancy and sex of the baby playing with the colors of the balloons.

10. Another balloon, but with message

Balloons give a lot of play, because you can add a message and leave it hidden so it can be seen when the balloon swells. In the second image, mystery revealed.

11. A simple but beautiful photo

Sometimes simplicity is a precious way to give a message. Future parents they kiss while holding the message That must reach others.

12. In the next party we will be 3

They are both very happy with their party, but announce that in the next one it will be three, with date for everyone to be clear.

13. To swell the belly

In case someone is not very clear, the belly grows thanks to the air that reaches outside. This couple explains it very clearly and they have already started with it.

14. Season announcement: pumpkins

They had to announce the pregnancy in autumn, so they decided to make use of a characteristic element, pumpkins. Very original and extrapolable to other seasons.

15. The next cinematic success

How about starring in the next movie that will be a blockbuster? A poster with the protagonists and everyone will know, surely, the plot of the film.

16. In this chair someone is missing

Guess, riddle. If in each chair there is a child and there is an empty chair, who is missing? A fun and funny way to announce that you will soon have someone sitting on it.

17. Things a girl should do

I like this one a lot. A list of things a girl should do, such as reaching the world, stealing hearts, learning to crawl, learning to walk, starting to talk and, also marked as done, Become an older sister!

18. Baby's glasses

In this case both parents wear glasses, so as a differential element, they decide to take a picture behind their glasses and which, in theory, the little boy should wear.

19. Some extra pants

Similar to the glasses and in the same line of the photos with baby slippers, other garments can be used such as, in this case, pants. They are all lying in the family and, next, those of a baby.

20. "Ice ice Baby" by Vanilla Ice

Finally, a tribute and riddle to one of the best known songs of the 90s, the work of Vanilla Ice. Surely you are able to hum the melody, right?