The baby who says "hello" with just seven weeks

The language as such appears later, around two years, but after two months of life the baby begins to communicate through babbling. These first babbling are not even the first words, but chain vocalizations accompanied by gestures.

However, some children say their first word much earlier than expected, as is the case with Cillian McCann, the baby who says "hello" with just seven weeks to live.

As we said, with two months it is perfectly normal for the baby to begin to babble. Not only is it a speech practice but it is a way of relating and interacting with others, especially with mom and dad and the closest people. He loves to respond to his smiles and tries to imitate the words he is told.

Generally, in the babbling stage the baby begins by pronouncing isolated vowels, syllables formed by a consonant (p, b, k, g ...) and a vowel in vocal-consonant-vocal structure (aka, apa, aba) and other structures of difficult pronunciation (nge…), but the sound of the phoneme / l / (letter ele) usually comes later.

As we do all mothers, Cillian played "talk" with her baby at a time of pampering and games, but of course what was not expected at all was that her little I would answer the greeting with a "hello" so clear.

I do not know if it would have been a coincidence that he emitted that sound, if he had pronounced it again or not, or if even the image was manipulated (I do not think so). The truth is that the video recorded by his mother of the baby saying "hello" with just seven weeks It has become a viral phenomenon with millions of visualizations.

Video | Youtube
In Babies and more | The first words: How and when do they start talking?

Video: The Kills - Baby Says Official Video (May 2024).