Fathers talk three times less than mothers with their babies: why this trend should be changed

Have you ever thought that there may be a member of the couple who speaks more to the baby? The triple that parents are what mothers talk to their babies, according to a study. But, should we settle, nothing happens? Or on the contrary, should this trend be changed?

The study reminds us that the less babies are spoken, the longer it will take to develop their linguistic ability, so, indeed, it is convenient to talk to the little ones the better, the sooner the better. Be dad or mom and be the baby boy or girl.

The study, prepared by researchers at the Rhode Island Hospital and published in the journal "Pediatrics", is titled "Gender Differences in Adult-Infant Communication in the First Months of Life" and analyzed the interaction with their parents of about 33 babies born to finished.

To reach the above conclusions, a tape recorder was placed at a time when father and mother were with the baby, in three different phases (a total of three thousand hours of recording): in the hospital, with the newborn baby and later at home, when they were about a month old and when they were already seven months old.

It was discovered that Mothers talk to babies three times more than their parents, and also that there is more round-trip communication, more "feedback", between mom and baby than between dad and baby. In addition, the mother talks more with her baby girl than with the boys.

Specifically, the mothers responded between 88% and 94% of the time to the baby's vocalizations, while the fathers only responded between 27% and 33% of the time.

Greater interaction of and between women

What is the reason for this greater interaction between females? It could be recorded in our genes, since women have greater communicative and social capacities: many psychological and neuroscientific studies confirm that women have greater verbal fluency and perform tasks with language faster.

In general, babies learn to interact socially before, so it is normal to be stimulated more (if the baby "answers", communication is more attractive), when receiving response (which in turn accelerates the development of language). That is, we would enter a vicious circle: as the baby boy would respond less to stimuli, we do not stimulate him so much and finally he can start communicating later.

But you have to try to reverse this trend, because the more words babies hear, the sooner they will begin to speak and the wider their vocabulary will be. Television does not count, because what matters is the interaction with other people.

We must also bear in mind that the baby does not begin to communicate only with words but in many other ways and also that he already speaks in his mind before pronouncing the first words. That is why we must respond to these first communications (their noises, babbling, their first "games" ...).

In fact, the investigation showed that parents tended more to ask their children questions like "where?" and "what?", something that helps expand vocabulary and thinking.

Definitely, It doesn't matter who talks more with the baby, if dad or mom. The really important thing is that both of them talk a lot to the baby, sing to him, tell him stories, rhymes, play with them ... Because when the number of words the boy or girl hears increases, he will have a better command of language.

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