Attention to fantasy contact lenses: they can cause vision damage

While for the optical lenses we wait until the children grow up and even until they reach preadolescence, with cosmetics or fantasy we are less cautious, and it is increasingly common to check that Children wear cosmetic lenses for their costumes.

It seems that as they will be used only for a few hours it is a complement to the costume, such as a hat or makeup. But attention to fantasy contact lenses, because these can cause vision damage or especially sensitive discomfort in the eyes of children and spoil the party.

The opticians and optometrists colleges warn each year about the dates of the risks of cosmetic lenses, since they are often misused or bought in unauthorized places (bazaars, online ...) so that the lenses do not pass any control of security.

Contact lenses are to be purchased at specialized healthcare facilities and encourage you to consult a professional if you finally decide to use them.

And it is easy to get carried away by fashion and ignore the essential handling, cleaning and disinfection guidelines to minimize any possible risk, the recommended hours of use and their replacement frequency (especially if we are not accustomed to wearing sanitary contact lenses ).

But remember that Colored lenses are not so harmless Like other accessories. Instead, if we want to give an "exotic" touch to the child's costume, we can use eye and face makeup that is generally striking (and in this case also using the right products for the child's skin).

Using accessories that stand out as caps, wigs, masks ... will also help the child to be properly characterized and avoiding the risk of wearing a foreign element in the eyes.

In short, if these indications are not taken into account cosmetic lenses can cause significant vision damage as decreased visual acuity, conjunctivitis and other visual disabilities. It is not worth taking that risk having so many ways for our children to go beautiful with their disguise ...

Video: Symptoms of Eye Floaters and How To Treat Eye Floaters (July 2024).