A father records 90,000 hours of video of his son to learn how he learns to speak

Surely more than one you have wondered how babies do to learn to speak. Well, more or less we all know it, they listen to our words, they hear them in different situations and areas, they imitate them and they gradually internalize their meaning and perfect their pronunciation.

The more words they hear, the sooner they learn to speak, as we said recently, and a researcher and father wanted to give more light to this process with a rather surprising experiment: He recorded up to 90,000 hours of video at home to analyze how he acquired the words and what was going on around him.

How was the investigation

The father in question is Deb roy, a researcher who filled his house with cameras to record all the rooms, at all hours, except at night, to record and then analyze the processes that could have an impact on the language of his son.

This is how he came up with one of the words that his son learned to say, a "gaga", which little by little, as time went by, was transformed to become "water", water. In addition, they were able to analyze and cross the word data with the places their child was passing through or the people in the house. So they observed that the word "water" was happening mostly in the kitchen and that the word "goodbye" was heard especially at the entrance of the house, and so they could see how the child was acquiring the words, the order in which he did it, how many times he heard the word and where the baby was at each moment.

The application of research in other contexts

Such a treatment of the data, surprising and probably novel and potentially useful, could be used for other purposes. This is how it occurred to Deb and his research partners to make similar maps with the behavior of the population when watching television and commenting on what they are watching on social networks. This is seen in the video and, although it is very interesting, it leaves the subject and no longer talks about the subject of your child's language, but as a curiosity it helps us to see that the level of control of society, to see what we are Doing everyone at every moment, to know who are the media influencers in social networks, to see how we behave according to the programs we are watching, can be so exhaustive that it can give a bit of vertigo. I don't know if they are working on this now, but surely many content companies will have contacted this good man to request his tremendously analytical services.

The day your child learned to walk

At the end of the video, returning to his son again and thanks to everything being recorded, he teaches us the day your child learned to walk. A very tender moment that, curiously, coincided with the presence of his father, trying to warn his mother (who was cooking) to see him.

Come on, in short, it is a very interesting video that helps us to know a little how children acquire language and how technology is advancing at the computer level to know and analyze what happens in the world.

Video | YouTube On Babies and more | Babies have more facility to learn languages ​​than adults, Language development in the child: from one to two years, From children who speak alone (and who also do not shut up) In Peques and more | A researcher recorded 90,000 hours on video of his son's life to analyze his learning