Enterprising children celebrates the fourth edition to encourage their business training

The fourth edition of the program has already started Enterprising Children to encourage business training for families and children. You can still go on November 2 and 9 to see the evolutions, plans and projects of the companies formed by children from 7 to 16 years old. And the children will sell their own products and ideas in a real environment, taking advantage of what they have learned in school while they are accompanied by their families and teachers. You can see its progress and evolution in the Madrid Sexta Avenida shopping center from half past ten until two in the afternoon.

Children Entrepreneurs is driven by the company Educational Method Gears Company that focuses on the development of practices based on experience. And, according to this company, the future of education goes through abandon the obsolete academic method based primarily on memorization, to find formulas that logically capture the attention of children. In my opinion, another of the problems that current education has is the enormous overprotection of children, so this initiative may also help them to be more autonomous, responsible and capable of solving problems autonomously.

Although what can be seen in the final phase is the sale of their own products and ideas, they have previously had a complex work of creating their symbolic societies and statutes, manufacture their products and set a pricing and marketing policy. Children learn to found a society, develop the campaign and products to promote their business and also focus on the importance of packaging.

And not only that but also analyze the competition, discover the possible interest that your product can generate, analyze your potentials and customers and finally set the prices of your products.

We totally recommend taking a walk around the mall, if you have not already done so, to know what the products are sold by children, the formula they apply to market them and also to know in a practical way the model proposed by Gears Company.

Video: Live from TC Sessions: Enterprise 2019 (July 2024).