A baby of more than 6 kilos is born in Spain and beats a national record

A few days ago we told you that the biggest baby in the country's history was born in Germany, weighing 6,110 kilos, and yesterday a girl was born in Denia (Alicante) who, even surpassing the German, beats the national record of being the largest baby born by natural birth.

The weight of the girl at birth was of 6,200 kg and was born in the early hours of yesterday, being the fourth child of the mother, a 40-year-old woman of British nationality who did not need epidural anesthesia to give birth (remember, it is the fourth baby).

According to the hospital, both the girl and the mother are in perfect condition at the Maternity plant. The girl, as with the German, is in the Neonatology Unit, under observation. The reason is that such large babies usually have very unstable blood glucose levels, lowering them more than usual, and it is necessary to control it. In addition, they are rather calm babies who have trouble waking up even to eat.

In reference to the record, it is not the first case of macrosomic baby registered in Spain, but since they were all born by caesarean section, the "little one" born in Denia is situated first of all arrivals via natural birth Without too much competition.

The mother explained that she was in the 41st week of pregnancy and that, although she knew that the baby was large, she did not expect it to be so much. Apparently, all his children weighed more than four and a half kilos, so he said the delivery was very simple and uncomplicated.

From here we wish the family that everything goes well and that the girl, whose name we do not know, I can leave the hospital soon to meet his brothers. More than six kilos and natural childbirth without epidural… I can't stop thinking about it. Go super mother.

Video: Breeding the Worlds Hottest Pepper (July 2024).