Which talent does your son has? the question of the week

Today as every Wednesday we return with the question of the week, and as these days we have been talking about the subject we would like to know what special skills you think your children have. That is why we ask you:

which talent does your son has?

Do you like music, are you a good artist, do you love construction games, can you tell stories, do some sports ...? We would like to know what those little artists are like or if you haven't discovered anything special yet.

Last week's question

Last week we asked you if today's children's series are worse than before, and we have received several responses. The most valued has been that of operata, which told us that the current series are not necessarily worse than before:

First we should bear in mind that today to many more productions than in the past, it seems to me. But we can find everything both today and 25 years ago. In the same way that today there are series to promote toys like “Monster High”, in my time there was also a plethora of them: “Masters of the Universe”, “Transformers”, “GIJoe”. On the contrary, although the merchandising was not as aggressive as now (I get bad to find toys that do not carry stickers of any franchise), it also existed. Maybe there is no such a great exponent as Sesame Street, but there we have Dora, Peppa Pig, or Pocoyo who are doing quite well, although parents get bored enough. But we also have series that we can enjoy the elderly; I laugh with Phineas and Ferb as much as my father laughed with Fraggle Rock. The nostalgia factor weighs, no doubt, and I don't think there is anything similar today to Ulysses 31 or Sherlock Holmes. But that is just my part as a child remembering better times.

He has also left his opinion Jimeneko, who in the line of the previous comment ensures that it does not have to be this way, but emphasizes that the age groups at which cartoons are directed should be better differentiated. In this same issue affects the comment of René Lara.

For its part, Anamare points out that there are good and bad series today:

There are always good and less good products, I have David the Gnome as favorites before, for the quality of the drawing and the scripts, for the values ​​it transmits ... As preferred now Caillou, Peppa Pig ... In addition to the values ​​I give also very important to aesthetics, I do not like "ugly" drawings, strident, or repetitive scripts, with poor vocabulary, with a too childish syntax ... That's why I can't stand SpongeBob, I think it's overwhelming because of its colors and that It is very repetitive, I do not like it for the Doraemon content (I do not know that they find it for so many years on the screen): it is ugly, it does not transmit the value of effort but of the traps and lies, there are fights every two by three and adults appear as "fools." Then there are series that neither yes nor no, are entertaining, do not attract me but I consider them suitable for children like The Three Twins, Phineas and Ferb, Little Einstein ...

Kirara on the other hand says that in a way the series were better before, because they transmitted more values, something that is more difficult to find today.

We appreciate all the answers you have sent us this week to the question, we love to continue knowing and learning.

Remember that we await the answers in the section dedicated to it: this week's question is now available. We await your comments during the next seven days in the Answers section of Babies and more.

In Babies and more Answers | which talent does your son has?

Video: How do I know if my child is talented? (July 2024).