Project "Safe baby" in Guatemala: prenatal and early stimulation matter

The Baby Safe program is an initiative of university students from Guatemala It aims to stimulate the abilities of children from the time they are in the womb until four years of age.

This is a program carried out by students of Psychopedagogy of the University of Panamericana (Upana) on which there is little data, but which has managed to get the attention of the Guatemalan authorities and the media.

Those responsible for Social Development have indicated that they intend to launch the "Safe Baby" program in September, with a previous stage of training for trainers, so that a group of one hundred students can train more trainers.

It would be about facilitate low-income families the training and tools necessary so that babies and children do not lack stimuli in that first stage of life.

There is talk, for example, of prenatal stimulation workshops, which include programs for the baby to be motivated through music and light forms from the womb. Also, in relation to early stimulation, topics such as breastfeeding care, diaper changing or baths with toys made from recyclable material are touched ...

Great news that from a government resources are allocated to child development, early stimulation, a very important stage and that little by little receives more recognition from the scientific field. We already told you that the primal stage is the most important in the development of the human being, and that the first six years of life are vital for emotional development.

The “Safe Baby” project, aimed at pregnant mothers and children from zero to fourIt seems an interesting tool that will contribute to psychological attention and stimulation, in short, to the development of children who need it most.