Online oral health workshop for parents

Today I present a online oral health workshop for parents I have done and I found it very interesting. It is done by the dentist Louma Sader and I especially liked it since it shows that she, in addition to having a lot of experience and knowledge of her profession, is a determined advocate of breastfeeding and respectful parenting. And that, I assure you, it shows.

The course, entitled Healthy Smile Workshop, consists of two hours of recording in which Louma, with an affordable language but with professional rigor, explains the best way to take care of our children's mouths from the womb to make sure they have optimal oral health throughout their lives.

His advice is, in addition to practical, very respectful of the emotional needs of children and their maturation rhythms. It does not prohibit, does not order, but adapts reality to the child and helps us to agree with him and to follow his evolution.

I especially loved how you face the question of goodies and breastfeeding, something I haven't found before in other dentists. And I also found the way in which he explains alternatives and offers ideas more than indicating communication based on behavioral rewards and impositions.

In addition to the two hours of course you have the online dentistry workshop for parents, the following month the enrollees can access a virtual classroom where Louma answers their questions, which makes it easier to customize each service and solve possible doubts.

Video: Ice Breakers for Active Listening : Teaching & Learning Styles (July 2024).