More than 10,000 children suffer from allergen problems

Many children with the arrival of good weather stay in their homes without being able to enjoy the benefits of the weather, the reason is simple, spring is the season of the year that causes them the most problems, especially if they suffer from a problem with allergens .

In our country more than 10,000 children suffer from asthma and at least 1,000 of them have to be locked up at home due to the severe incidence of allergy Against your immune system, these are the data that emerge from a report prepared by the Spanish Pulmonology Society.

For these school children, the simple fact of going out on the street terrifies them, respiratory crises are situations that they do not want to suffer, the air is loaded with the blissful allergens and depending on the area their concentration is higher. Among some of the initiatives that are carried out, we find an informative campaign about asthma that is being carried out in the schools of Granada, it is aimed at parents and teachers in order to raise awareness about the need to act quickly to prevent a crisis It begins in a mild way, it does not end up being an acute and serious crisis. When a child has a cough at night, we hear whistles when he breathes while he sleeps and also becomes easily fatigued when he makes a small effort, we can say that they are the most common symptoms that indicate that the child has asthmatic problems. These symptoms especially occur during this time of the year, for this reason it is so important to know how we can minimize them. The campaign provides advice to improve the quality of life of children, such as closing the windows of the home to prevent the introduction of allergens.

It is important to have a clear knowledge of the disease and the possibilities we have parents and teachers to minimize its expression, so the Granada pulmonologists, in addition to the talks they have offered this year, will repeat again next year, the need to Improving the quality of life of children is essential and it is very important to raise awareness of the child's environment to veto asthma symptoms by controlling the disease.

Families who have an asthmatic child, at least the majority, know the problem, but some are unaware that they could do more than they currently do. These types of initiatives are always well received for children.

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